Amiens, France

We went to a beautiful medieval city in Northern France called Amiens. We were dropped off by our tour bus near the Gothic Cathedral.

Gothic 13th-century Cathedral in Amiens, France

The Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Amiens is a 13th-century Gothic style Cathedral. It is the largest Cathedral in France and is a world heritage site.

Ornate arch above the main entrance to the Cathedral
Ornate design on Cathedral

We went to the main entrance and were amazed at the number of figures on the arch. Each one was unique and was made in great detail.

We went inside and check out the massive interior of the Cathedral.

Inside the Amiens Cathedral

The Cathedral was very impressive not only because of the size but also the beautiful decorations and stained glass windows.

The Altar in the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Amiens
Stained glass inside the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Amiens

After seeing the cathedral, we went for a walk in the old quarter of Amiens. What is an interesting feature is the city is divided by the Somme River. Shops and cafes line the narrow street along the Somme River.

Cafes and shops along the Somme River in Amiens, France

We walked along the Somme river for a while and then stopped to enjoy a relaxing drink before exploring more of the city.

Ray, Shelley, Jim, and Anne enjoying a drink in Amiens, France

We walked along the narrow streets in the old quarter admiring the unique features of buildings.

View across the Somme River in Amiens.

While walking through the streets of Amiens we came across a group of Canadian cyclist wearing Canadian markings on their shirts.  We decided to stop and ask them about their shirts.

Cyclist wearing Canadian shirts in Amiens

They explained that they were cycling “the 2017 Vimy 100 Battlefield Bike Ride” which goes across a section of Europe touring WWII sites. They were raising money for the Wounded Warriors Canada charity. We had a nice chat with some of the cyclist, which were retired military personnel or spouses of Military personnel.

It made us very proud to be Canadian and to have the opportunity to speak to these veterans of our Canadian Military.

We then walked back to the park near the Cathedral before ending our time in Amiens.

Ray and Shelley in the park near the Cathedral in Amiens

We enjoyed our time in Amiens and chatting with some Canadian Veterans.

“Au revoir et bonne journée”

Bayeux, France

We stopped in the small historic city of Bayeux France. This city was the first to be liberated by the Allies on June 16, 1944, after the invasion of Normandy.  This is also where General Charles de Gaulle made the first speech in Bayeux in which he made it clear that France sided with the Allies.

Bayeux France

We walked through the center of the old medieval town looking at the cobblestone streets and timbered buildings. There was a quaint watermill which was still working.

A working waterwheel in Bayeux, France

We came to a medieval plaza which was also the location of the local Museum.

Plaza in medieval center of Bayeux, France
18th-century seminary converted into Museum

The museum was converted from an 18th-century seminary. We decided to enter the museum and view the famous 68-meter “Tapisserie de Bayeux”. It is an 11th-century tapestry depicting the 1066 Norman invasion of England. It was very interesting and each section of the tapestry depicted a scene of the invasion of England.

Scene 22 of Bayeux Tapestry.
Bayeux Tapestry depicting Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, rallying Duke William’s troops during the Battle of Hastings in 1066

Although we only spent a few hours in Bayeux, it was a very enjoyable and interesting city.

“Au revoir et bonne journée”

The Bény-Sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery

After viewing the American cemetery, we went to the Bény-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery.

The parking lot of the Bény-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery.

We walked onto the grounds of the cemetery which were immaculately kept.

There were red flowers between each tombstone. The sight of all the Canadian soldiers who died to protect freedom was a very moving event for us.

Flowers among the grave markers in the Canadian War Cemetery.
The Bény-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery.

We walked through the cemetery looking at the individual tombstones and saw something quite interesting. Placed on some of the tombstones, were coins or other small tokens. These small tokens or coins are left by visitors to indicate that someone has visited that particular grave.

Coin and Canadian Flag pin left on grave marker of Canadian soldier

We saw lots of the grave markers with coins or other small tokens. That was something that drew out raw emotions from us and touched our hearts deeply.

In the center of the cemetery, there was the cross of sacrifice monument.

The cross of sacrifice at the Canadian War Cemetery France

We walked through the cemetery and read some of the names of fallen soldiers. The age of the soldier was inscribed on the grave marker.

We were saddened by the number of soldiers who were in their late teens or early twenties. So many young soldiers sacrificed their lives for freedom.

Going to the Canadian War Cemetery was very moving and emotional. It was something that will stay with us throughout our lives.

“Au revoir et bonne journée”

The Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial

After visiting Omaha Beach we went to the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial. The entrance is a simple walkway that leads into an oval walled area that is known as the walls of the missing.

The wall of the missing has a total os 1,557 American soldiers names inscribed on them.  If a soldier’s body has since been located they put a rosette beside their name on the wall.

Wall of the Missing in Normandy American Cemetery

We walked along the wall reading some of the many names inscribed on it.

Wall of the Missing leading to the semicircular section of the cemetery

We eventually walked to a semi-circular stairs with pillars that led us to an upper area. We went up the stairs to an area with a large statue.

Statue in a semi-circular pillared area

From this area, we could see the main section of the cemetery.

We were immediately struck by the beauty, and size of the cemetery. The cemetery was a lot larger that we expected it covered 172.5 acres.

We walked through the cemetery looking at the crosses and reading the names of some of the soldiers that died on D-Day. The cemetery contains the graves of 9,387 soldiers, most of whom died during the D-Day landings.

American Cemetery in Normandy
The view from the rear of the cemetery.

It was a surreal and an emotional walk through the cemetery. Looking back towards the main entrance the view was awe-inspiring in a sad kind of way.

“Au revoir et passe une bonne journée”

Omaha Beach, Normandy

We arrived at Omaha Beach in France and was surprised at just how beautiful a beach it was. There were families playing on the sand and swimmers in the water enjoying a nice sunny day.

It was hard to imagine the horrific event that took place. We were moved by the sheer magnitude of the beach and the battles that would have taken place here on June 6, 1944. The beach is very long and wide which would have been a tremendous challenge for the Allies to advance.

Shelley on Omaha Beach in Normandy

The beach would have been full of barbed wire and other obstacles that would impede the progress of the Allies. Beyond the beach is the hilltop where the Germans were dug in and reinforced, which gave them the advantage.

Hills at the edge of Omaha Beach in Normandy

We walked the beach for a while before heading to the monument.

Shelley and Ray on Omaha Beach in front of the monument

The monument was a simple stone structure which arched towards the hills away from the beach.

Omaha Beach monument

On the face of the monument is inscribed the following.

“The Allied Forces Landing on this shore which they call Omaha Beach liberated Europe -June 6th 1944″

Inscription on the Omaha Beach monument

There was also a monument installed for the 60th anniversary of D-Day in June 2004. The Monument was called “Les Braves” and was commissioned by the French Government. It is said that the monument represents “Wings of hope” “the Rise of freedom” and “the wings of fraternity.”

60th anniversary of D-Day Monument on Omaha Beach

The experience of walking on Omaha Beach was surreal. It was an experience that will stay with us forever.

“Au revoir et passe une bonne journée”

Life is too short to wait for adventure!