
We went to visit the city of Comillas it is located in the northern reaches of Cantabria.

Ray and Shelley in front of the Old Pontificia university building of Comillas

The Comillas Pontifical University was housed here before it moved to Madrid. The old pontificia university building

The old university buildings are some of the finest examples of architecture in Comillas.  We took a look at the interior of the old University building.

The interior was as stunning as the exterior.

At the front entrance area of the university there are several barnacle covered cannons that were recovered from the sea and put on display.

Around the second half of the 19th century, the Spanish royal family started spending their summers in Comillas.  As a result, Comillas has some interesting architectural buildings such as palaces and monuments designed by renowned artists such as Gaudí.

Guadi designed vila El Capricho in Camillas

El Capricho is a villa in Comillas, designed by Antoni Gaudí. It was built in 1883–1885 for the summer use of a wealthy noble.

The tower of El Capricho is covered with beautiful ceramic tiles that alternate between bright yellow sunflowers, and green subtle leaves.

Park area in Comillas

We walked along the gardens and paths in Comillas enjoying the day.  There were some art pieces and even some art for selfies so of course we couldn’t resist.

We came across some interesting architecture and beautiful views of the Cantabrian Sea. There are some interesting facts of this historic city.  Comillas was the capital of Spain for one day, on 6 August 1881, following an agreement between king Alfonso XII and the Minister’s Council to gather at a formal meeting in town. It also became the first place in Spain to use Edison’s electric light bulbs, in 1880.

We came to a statue that is titled “Homenaje a la Vendedora de Pescado”  It is a statue to honour the vendors of sardines and fish that were part of everyday life near the Sea.

Homenaje a la Vendedora de Pescado statue in Comillas
Sardines in the bronze basket of the statue-
View of the Cantabrian Sea from the city of Comillas.

Comillas is a beautiful spot and we really enjoyed our day exploring this historic city.

“Cada día puede ser una aventura si la buscas.”