Tag Archives: WWII

Omaha Beach, Normandy

We arrived at Omaha Beach in France and was surprised at just how beautiful a beach it was. There were families playing on the sand and swimmers in the water enjoying a nice sunny day.

It was hard to imagine the horrific event that took place. We were moved by the sheer magnitude of the beach and the battles that would have taken place here on June 6, 1944. The beach is very long and wide which would have been a tremendous challenge for the Allies to advance.

Shelley on Omaha Beach in Normandy

The beach would have been full of barbed wire and other obstacles that would impede the progress of the Allies. Beyond the beach is the hilltop where the Germans were dug in and reinforced, which gave them the advantage.

Hills at the edge of Omaha Beach in Normandy

We walked the beach for a while before heading to the monument.

Shelley and Ray on Omaha Beach in front of the monument

The monument was a simple stone structure which arched towards the hills away from the beach.

Omaha Beach monument

On the face of the monument is inscribed the following.

“The Allied Forces Landing on this shore which they call Omaha Beach liberated Europe -June 6th 1944″

Inscription on the Omaha Beach monument

There was also a monument installed for the 60th anniversary of D-Day in June 2004. The Monument was called “Les Braves” and was commissioned by the French Government. It is said that the monument represents “Wings of hope” “the Rise of freedom” and “the wings of fraternity.”

60th anniversary of D-Day Monument on Omaha Beach

The experience of walking on Omaha Beach was surreal. It was an experience that will stay with us forever.

“Au revoir et passe une bonne journée”