City Hall of Alicante

Today we decided to visit the “Ayuntamiento” which means town hall in spanish.  The building is very impressive and is in a  baroque architecture style. Apparently it was  designed by architect Lorenzo Chápuli ( hey maybe he could have been a long-lost relative!) The site was built on the same site as the former city hall in the 18th century.

City hall of Alicante Spain
The older section of city hall of Alicante Spain the new addition is slightly visible on right of photo

There are some very unique and interesting features of the building. The building is basically divided into two parts, the original section and a modern addition to accommodate the growing needs of administration.

Modern section of city hall attached to original building.

It is notable that security has been incorporated into the open concept allowing tourist to view the unique features of the building while maintaining security.

On the outside of the building there are barley-sugar columns at the doorways. The main entrance of the building has huge doors over 10 feet high that open into a larger reception area.

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massive entrance doorways to city hall

The entrance area has a substantial presence with a sculpture in the open stairwell of Saint John created by Salvador Dali which is very impressive.

Salvador Dali sculpture in staircase
View of Salvador Dali sculpture from top of staircase
salvador dali sculter
Salvador Dali sculpture

Beside the sculpture in the open staircase there is a plaque on the first step of the staircase. It signifies the exact sea level used to define altitude above sea level. This measurement is used for all of Spain to define sea level.  Scientist discovered that the difference between high and low tide was less on the Alicante coastline. They selected the first step of Alicante city hall as the official seal level designation for all of Spain.

Official Sea level measurement for Spain
Official Sea level measurement for Spain

Inside city hall itself there are numerous paintings, ornate furniture and unique rooms. The “Salón Azul” which was styled from the period of Spain’s Queen Isabel is very impressive. The room has numerous paintings of elected officials and has a large glass table for meetings. There are over sixty paintings of elected officials in the room and there is only one female.

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Meeting table in Salon azul
Chandelier in salon azul
Doorway leading out of salon azul


The “Salón de Plenos” meeting hall was also very impressive. I believe this is equivalent to our council chambers in Canada.


Throughout the building there are various art works that highlight the history and culture of Alicante. Below are just a few of the spectacular artworks in the building.

Artwork in Alicante city hall

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On the modern side of  the city hall building are the remains of archaeological ruins of past centuries. There was archaeological ruins that were unearthed when construction was underway for the addition. The elected officials of the day thought they would preserve the historic significance and build around a section of the archaeological remains. Today they are visible and on displayed at the ground floor of City hall.

The display is entitled  “Alicante, la ciudad descubierta” which means Alicante, the city unveiled.  We were able to go down into the display area and view and touch some of the unique archaeological ruins. 

Shelley standing in between 16th century walls
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13th century defensive wall of Alicante
The conservation of the 13th and 16th century walls with the integration into the new administration addition of city hall.
Alicante ruins incorporated into the footings of the new administration building.
looking down o n ruins
View of the security at entrance to city hall with an open view of the archaeological ruins.

The visit to the preserved archaeological remains was extremely interesting and somewhat moving for us.  Having a “walk” along the 16th century street and touching medieval Christian walls and reading about the vibrant and diverse history of Alicante was very enjoyable and rewarding.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dias”

First day of school

Today was Shelley’s first day of spanish school.  One of the reasons for moving to Spain was to learn spanish and immerse ourselves in the spanish culture. Shelley began her spanish classes today at the Studio 3 school. The three-hour a day class runs for the next two weeks and will provide further foundational language to help transition to Spanish.

Shelley’s first day of School

Ray has a french background and is slightly  more advance in the spanish language and will take the next level of class when it is offered.

Studio 3 school of language
Studio 3 school of language

The school is located beside the cafe where we go and practice spanish every week. It is  great way to meet people and expand our knowledge of the language. You are never too old to learn new things and we are enjoying the challenges that brings.

“adios y que tenga un grand dias”


Not just a walk in the “parque”

On Saturday we decided to go to the “Parque El Palmeral” which is a lovely park. The park is full of palm trees, water falls, small waterways and lake.  Most Canadians would think the “lake” is more of a pond than a  lake (it is quite small).  The park itself is quite impressive and apparently it was used for backdrops in major movie scenes.

Walkway towards the entrance of the park
Walkway towards the entrance of the park

We took the bus from our apartment and we arrived near the park in about 15 minutes. A short two-minute walk and we were at the  entrance way of the park. The walls of the park are impressive with a curved stone style and majestic palm trees surrounding the entrance into the park.


Entrance to the El Palmeral Park
Entrance to the El Palmeral Park

Once we entered the park there were multiple trails that led to different areas of the park. We decided to start on the  left and work our way around the entire park.  Bordering the trail are numerous smaller trails that go to small areas with benches.  On one of the side trails we took we came across an orange tree with ripe oranges. Some people would pick them along the way. We didn’t take any oranges because we weren’t sure if it was permitted.

Orange tree in the park
Orange tree in the park

The trails had many small waterways which were only a few feet deep and were man-made.  There was also a small pond (they call it a lake) where you could get a small rowboat and go along the waterways.

The "Lake"
The “Lake”

The boat access was closed when we were there and we would not likely have taken the rowboat anyways.

Rowboats in the pond
Rowboats in the pond

There was an area in the park with a small store where you could rest and buy ice cream, snacks, beer or wine. We came across many beautiful areas with lots of different palm trees and areas to relax or have a picnic.  Interestingly the park had an oriental look to it.  The lanterns were an oriental style and the bridges had an oriental look as well.

Oriental lantern
Oriental lantern


We came across a waterfalls with a walkway that went through it to the other side. It was a good way to cool down from the heat.

us at waterfalls
Waterfalls walkway

What I did notice was the wild cats. There were lots of wild cats throughout the park. They are living in the park and seem to be part of the natural environment there.  They stay clear of people and are careful to not get close. I guess not everyone is a cat lover in the park.

wild cats in park
Wild cats in the park

We spent about three hours walking through the park looking at the palm trees and enjoying the beautiful views. We stopped and had a small picnic and enjoyed the day. The walkway leading  out if the park has a beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea.

exit looking at sea
View of the sea when exiting the park

“Adios y que tenga un grand dias”

Video for blog

Today I have been working on a new section for the blog.  I thought  that a video section in the blog would be good separated for people to access. The goal of the video section on the right side of the menu is to provide a more detailed “look” at our travels and adventures.

blog screen capture copy




I hope to  develop the video section to include videos from the cities we visit. My first video is the trip to Benidorm. I will include more videos in the future.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dias”




A trip to the city of Benidorm

We decided to explore the city of Benidorm which is about one hour away by train. Today we took the TRAM system from Alicante to Benidorm and the cost of a return ticket was 6 euros each.

The city of Benidorm is on the eastern coast of Spain and it is part of the famed Costa Blanca.  It has two massive beaches and the waterfront walkway is covered with beautiful palm trees and wide promenades. There are numerous bars, restaurants and shops all along the waterfront. The city of Benidorm’s population is only  69,000 but there are over 400 hotels in Benidorm. The city is known for its beautiful views and party atmosphere in the summer. It draws a large population of tourist during the summer.

We walked all along the promenade and took in some of the beautiful views and even stopped at a restaurant called El Castell for a drink and snack. We tried the spanish treat called “Chocolate con Churros.” It is basically hot chocolate with a deep-fried pastry that is dunked into the chocolate. It was very tasty.

Chocolate con churros
Chocolate con churros

The views were just breath-taking. We walked up to the top of a cliff area and saw the city landscape from there. It looks a little like the coastline of Miami.  Below are just a few of the views along the waterfront of Benidorm.

cliff view 1

shelley and I on cliff
view from the cliff area
Promenade of Benidorm
Beach of Benidorm
cliff view
Breath taking views of Benidorm
view 2
Coast line of Benidorm
view of coastline
Walkway along waterfront of Benidorm
View of the Benidorm rock also known as Peacock Island
Walkway up to the top of the cliff area

Once we finished walking along the waterfront we went for a walk into the old quarter of the city.  The narrow streets are full of wonderful shops and restaurants. We came across an old church which was quite unique.  The doors were plated with a gold coloured metal with inlaid markings.  It was ornate and impressive, the photo doesn’t really do it justice.

Old church in Benidorm
doors of church
Ornate doors of church


Narrow streets in Benidorm
Shops along the old quarter of Benidorm

We also came across the hotel Selomar which was badly damaged by a fire. It was a hotel under renovations and vacant at the time of the fire which happened last year. It now sits empty and an eye sore on the waterfront.  (Fires like this happen everywhere not just in Canada)



We had a great day in Benidorm and saw some beautiful scenery. It was well worth the trip.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dias”


Life is too short to wait for adventure!