We are off to Paris for a week

Today we are off to Paris for the week to check out some of the sights. Our day started off by catching the C6 bus to the airport. We are only about 15 minutes from the airport and the bus drops you off at the front door. The last time we flew we lost our luggage for almost a week so this time we are only taking carry-on.

All our luggage for the week
All our luggage for the week

We also tried to use electronic boarding passes, but for some reason Shelley’s phone had problems and we couldn’t use it. After some stress and frustration we ended up getting boarding passes printed at the check in counter. Once we got our passes we went through security but I got flagged for some reason. They tested my luggage for drugs.. Go figure…Not a good start to our Paris trip. We got to our gate and we were all set, but our flight was delayed for about 30 minutes but all was good in the end. We were welcomed by a little snow on the ground when we arrived in Paris…. Yikes. Made us feel like we were back in Canada and a little homesick.





We took the train from the Paris airport and took a connecting subway train to the Notre Dame Church. This was one of the first sites we saw after getting off the subway. It was very beautiful and impressive.


That was the closest train stop to our hotel. We then went for a meal and a nice glass of wine at a local restaurant near the Notre Dame Church. Once our meal was done we took a taxi to our hotel which is located on rue Buci. We are very well located right in the middle of Paris and near all the main attractions. Our hotel room is quite quaint and somewhat small.

Hotel Buci Paris
Hotel Buci Paris

We have a fairly optimistic itinerary planned and hope to see as much as possible. We may not be blogging as much this week because of limited internet and time. But we will update the blog when we can.

“Au revoir et Bonne journée”