Exploring the City of Alicante

We went for a walk exploring some of the city of Alicante. We walked over 10 kms and enjoyed the waterfront area. The city has some unique architecture and great waterfront. Below are just a few of the places we enjoyed during our walk.

beach with castle in background
Beach in Alicante with view of Castle on the mountain
giant sail ship
Sail ship restaurant
merry go round
Old fashion Merry-Go-Round on waterfront
walkway on waterfront
Waterfront walkway with overpass walkway

In the evening on the way home we were tired and stopped at a local cafe/bar where we had some beer and tapas. In Spain when you buy a beer you automatically get a tapa at most spots. We had two beer each which means we had four tapas. The tapas we had were some pickled sardines, crab meat salad, potato & tuna salad and pork meat marinated in olive oil.

Tapas pickled Sardines and Potato with tuna salad
crab salad and pork in olive oil tapas
trying sardines
My first taste of pickled sardines

We had them all and I can honestly say I am getting an acquired taste for some of it. Others not so much!

“Adios y que tenga un grand dias”


Settling in to our new spot

It has been a very busy couple of days getting moved into our new apartment. There have been several challenges along the way but overall we have managed quite well. Moving without a vehicle and using public transit can be a challenge. We packed our carry-on luggage and our new shopping cart with some of our belongings and took the bus.

packed at bus depot

We then walked about two blocks to our new apartment which is beside a small park. We waited there for the landlord to arrive with the keys. When the landlord arrived we picked up the keys and moved into our apartment.

The park beside our apartment
The park beside our apartment

The apartment is located on the 5th floor and we have a north facing view of the mountains. Here is the view from our living room.

view apartment 2
View from our living room window
view from apartment
View looking north from our living room window

Dealing with utility companies and Movistar which is the local internet and TV service provider was a major challenge. Our Spanish is still very limited and the majority of the people only speak spanish in Alicante. We had quite the challenge trying to communicate with utility and Movistar staff.  Many phone calls were only in spanish and it took quite a while to decipher what was being said, but we managed to get through the process.  The staff is very patient and helpful for the most part.

On Thursday the local outdoor market which you can see from our living room window was open.

Outdoor market view from our living room window
Outdoor market view from our living room window

The outdoor market is huge and very popular. It is about three blocks long in total. It is very busy with people looking at the vast array of products for sale. You can purchase almost anything at the market from food to socks and underwear. We went down and bought some fresh fruits and vegetables to stock up our fridge. There is also an indoor market open every day which sells local meats, cheese, pastries, fruits and vegetables. We went  there and picked up some chicken, eggs and other assorted meats. Here is the chicken which we made for dinner last night. When they sell a chicken here you get the whole chicken event the head! yumm..

a whole chicken
a whole chicken

Although the apartment comes fully furnished and provides dishes etc. There were some items we wanted to add that were missing. So during the day we walked to the El Corte Ingles store. The store is similar to a Bay or Sears store and the prices are good. We bought some of the basics we wanted to add to the apartment, loaded it up in our cart and walked back to the apartment. We walked over 10 kms that day. We are getting settled and resting up this weekend. getting ready for our next adventure, whatever that may be.

“Adios y que tengo un grand dias”

Moving to our new Apartment

We have really enjoyed our time in our temporary spot, you couldn’t ask for a better view of the sea and its proximity to the miles of beaches. The walks along the beach and watching the sun rise and set have been very nice.

Last sunset at our temporary apartment
Last sunset at our temporary apartment

The last few days we have been just relaxing and enjoying the great weather. Today we headed down for one last walk along the beach. It will likely be the last walk on the beach for a while. Tomorrow we take possession of our new Apartment.

We are very excited to get settled into our new spot and make it a home. It will take us a little while to settle in and get everything organised. We wont have internet hooked up until Friday, but I am really looking forward to having good quality internet. We are getting unlimited high-speed fiber and that will let us skype and post video etc to the blog. Our new Apartment is located in the heart of the city of Alicante. We have a market just around the corner and a small mall near us as well. Almost everything is within walking distance from our apartment, but if we want to take a bus it stops just a half block away.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dias”

“El carnaval” night in Alicante

Each year there is a carnival in Alicante that starts around the 2nd of February and runs for three weeks. On Saturday evening we enjoyed some of the carnival. The La Rambla and El Barrio streets were blocked off and lots of people fill the streets with unique  costume  and there was a parade, music and dancing.  We walked the Rambia Street and saw some of the locals in costumes. The street was packed with families and children all dressed up. It was like halloween with an array of different costumes. All ages take part and event some of the servers in restaurants and bars are dressed in costume. Here are a few pictures of the people on the street.






After checking out the street we stopped at a restaurant called “El Portal”. The restaurant was crowed and we could only get a seat near the bar.  We settled in at the bar for something to eat and have a drink or two. The bartender was really helpful and showed us the menu of tapas and we ordered a tapa. It was shaved cured ham and bread with blended tomatoes. That is a fairly popular tapa in Alicante. We had the tapa and a glass of wine. While we were enjoying the tapa, we had a conversation with the bartender who could speak a bit of english. He took a shinning to us and we had a nice conversation with him. After we finished the tapa we ordered another one this time it was a mini burger, also very tasty. We were having a lot of fun and enjoyed watching the people in the bar area. We chatted with the bar tender, practiced our spanish and ordered a different drink.  I can’t recall the name of this drink but it was made with vodka, rosemary, and a few other ingredients.  He claimed it was the best drink in the bar and his favourite. Once we had one we agreed it was the best drink we have had in a long time (excluding wine of course).

Drink with our bartender in the background
holding drink
Enjoying our new-found drink

After our tapas and few drinks we walked back to the waterfront to catch the bus. We had a about an hour to wait for the bus, so we went and had a coffee at the local cafe. We then took the bus and headed home for the night.

Apparently when the carnival ends in two weeks there is a  ceremony called “Funeral Wake and Burial of the Sardine”. The ceremony has a parade where people wear black and carry burning candles. This signifies the end of the carnival and the death of the costumes until next year.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dias”

Gourmet walking tour

Saturday we decided to take in a gourmet walking tour in Alicante. The tour started along the waterfront at the Explanada. We met our tour guide and two other couples there at 11 am. Our tour guide was very informative and pleasant. He told us about  the history of Alicante as we walked along to the restaurants through the old part of the city. Our first stop was a small restaurant on the main walkway. They served us “Horchata” which is a sweet drink that is made from the little beads (called tiger nuts) that form on a long string type root of the chufa plant. The drink was white (similar to milk in colour) it had a very unique and almond sweet taste. It is very popular with locals here.

Horchata made from the root of the chufa plant

We then walked through the old part of the city. We went through some smaller streets to some really neat and interesting spots.

restaurants in old quarter of city
restaurants hidden in inner courtyards
side street
Side streets in old quarter that lead to interesting shops and restaurants
side street1
Old Quarter of Alicante

We eventually stopped at “La Chinata” an olive oil store. This was an amazing spot, with all sorts of different olive oils and other olive products. We had a tasting of five or six different types of olive oils, using fresh-baked bread. Shelley was enjoying the olive oil tasting and sampled each olive oil a few times. We are planning to come back to this store once we move into our new apartment and stock up on different olive oils.

la Chinata store front
La Chinata olive oil store
la chinata olive store
Inside of olive store

Our tour guide gave us some history of the olive oil industry and that Spain is the largest producer of Olive oil in the world.

tour guide in olive oil store
Tour Guide giving history of Olive Oil in Spain

We then  walked to the local market. There are two floors of the market the top floor has all meats and the bottom floor has bakeries and vegetables. We sampled some fresh fruits and vegetables. The vegetables are all produced locally and are very fresh. We then sampled some blood sausage. yuke!!! not for me.

blood sausage
Blood Sausage

We then went to a small fish shop where we sampled some salted fish. We tried them but I can guarantee I won’t be back to buy any.

salted tuna
Salted Tuna

There was also “Bonito” a small dried tuna fish. This dried tuna is kept hanging in the kitchen and small pieces of the meat is peeled off when  needed for salads etc.  This one fish apparently can last for months in a kitchen.

dried tuna hangs in kitchen for months
Bonito dried tuna

After we finished the market area we walked back into the old part of the city and ended our tour by sampling some wine. Now this was a nice way to finish the tour. We sampled some local wine and had an assortment of cheese and crackers. It was quite nice and the wine was of course very tasty. In fact we ended up staying there after the tour with two other people from the tour and enjoyed a few more glasses of wine.

wine tasking
Wine Tasting bar

Overall it was very enjoyable and we saw some traditional shops and  sampled some of the gourmet foods made locally in Alicante.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dias”


Life is too short to wait for adventure!