Adventures in Paris

Today we headed out fairly early and had breakfast in a quaint cafe shop. After breakfast we walked to the Louvre museum which is located about 1.5 Kms away from our hotel. We walked around the Louvre area admiring the outside views and architecture. We did not go in today, instead we took the hop on and off bus. The bus gave us a great view of the city and we scouted out our plans for the next few days.

One of the many side street views in Paris
One of the many side street views in Paris
One of the unique streets of Paris

We got off the bus at the opera house and did a tour of the area. There is just so much to see. We stopped at a great French restaurant for lunch. The meal and wine were excellent. After lunch we did a walk and then hopped back on the bus. We took the bus to the Eiffel Tower and got off there to admire the view.

Shelley at the base of the Eiffel tower.

After looking at the Eiffel Tower we decided to take a cruise on the Seine river. The cruise gave us a neat view of the city and some of the great bridges of Paris.

One of the bridges across the Seine river

After the cruise we were back on the bus and headed back to our hotel. Once we got back to the hotel we headed out to the local pubs. The local pubs are very nice and typical of Paris. IMG_20160307_175012559_HDRWe stopped into a few pups and had some drinks before calling it a night.

“Au revoir et Bonne journée”

We are off to Paris for a week

Today we are off to Paris for the week to check out some of the sights. Our day started off by catching the C6 bus to the airport. We are only about 15 minutes from the airport and the bus drops you off at the front door. The last time we flew we lost our luggage for almost a week so this time we are only taking carry-on.

All our luggage for the week
All our luggage for the week

We also tried to use electronic boarding passes, but for some reason Shelley’s phone had problems and we couldn’t use it. After some stress and frustration we ended up getting boarding passes printed at the check in counter. Once we got our passes we went through security but I got flagged for some reason. They tested my luggage for drugs.. Go figure…Not a good start to our Paris trip. We got to our gate and we were all set, but our flight was delayed for about 30 minutes but all was good in the end. We were welcomed by a little snow on the ground when we arrived in Paris…. Yikes. Made us feel like we were back in Canada and a little homesick.





We took the train from the Paris airport and took a connecting subway train to the Notre Dame Church. This was one of the first sites we saw after getting off the subway. It was very beautiful and impressive.


That was the closest train stop to our hotel. We then went for a meal and a nice glass of wine at a local restaurant near the Notre Dame Church. Once our meal was done we took a taxi to our hotel which is located on rue Buci. We are very well located right in the middle of Paris and near all the main attractions. Our hotel room is quite quaint and somewhat small.

Hotel Buci Paris
Hotel Buci Paris

We have a fairly optimistic itinerary planned and hope to see as much as possible. We may not be blogging as much this week because of limited internet and time. But we will update the blog when we can.

“Au revoir et Bonne journée”

Tapa restaurant

The other day we went to a restaurant called “Katagorri” it is a tapa restaurant. The restaurant is quite popular and there were good comments on the trip advisor. So we decided to check it out.

Restaurante Katagorri

Normally when you go to a bar you usually get a free small tapa when you buy a drink.  This place was different because you paid for the tapas. You would  order a tapa from the numerous choices displayed in front of you on the bar.  Each tapa display had a specific coloured dot.

Tapas on display

Each coloured dot represented the cost of that particular tapa. On the wall was the listed price for each coloured dot.

prices of tapas
Tapa price list

There was great assortment of tapas from squid, octopus and other sea type creatures to the more traditional hamburg, pork ,chicken and fish. We decided to be somewhat safe this time and ordered some very tasty pork burgers, a bread and cheese with spices and a few other traditional ones. They were very tasty and filling. That “snack” turned into our main meal of the day.

Ray done his tapas

Of course you really shouldn’t have tapas without some wine or beer. There was a great selection of wine and so we ordered a nice glass of red wine and enjoyed the tapas. The wine was more expensive than other restaurants and cost $2.65 for a 9 ounce glass.

Some of the wine selections

The restaurant had a great atmosphere and we had a great tapa “meal” overall it was a very pleasant experience.

“Adios y que tenga un grand días”

The Art Exhibit at the Santa Barbara Castle

We attended the art exhibit when we were at the Santa Barbara Castle. The exhibit was titled “The fortress of the ring” and focused on the Author JRR Tolkien and his books  “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”. The exhibition was displayed inside of three castle rooms and contained an array of interesting and unique features. There were  life-size figures on displayed along with costumes from the movie.

Full size figures from the movie “Hobbit” and “The Lord of the ring”
costumes from the movie
Costume from the movie
full size figure
Full size figure from movie

There was a room which contained an amazing collection of miniatures. the miniatures were so detailed and exact that it was hard to tell they were not real.

Miniature castle with “giant” Ray
Miniature Castle with great detail


Miniature dragon and wizard

There was also a collection of weapons and clothing, lithographs and original drawings from the comic illustrator. We walked through the rooms and enjoyed the unique displays. Our favourite display was the full size “Ent” which is a tree like creature in the fables. Notice the two little elves on its shoulders.

living tree
ENT tree like creature
me with living tree
Me and the Ent

It was an interesting and enjoyable exhibit.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dias”


Visit to the Castillo de Santa Barbara on the Mount of Benacantil

Today we started our day by heading to the Santa Barbara Castle in Alicante. The medieval castle is a historic landmark and was built on the top of Mount Benacantil.  To reach the castle we walked up the steep slopes and walkways until we reached the top. It was quite a climb and we took our time and stopped along the way to enjoy some of the beautiful views of the city. It took us about an hour to reach the top.

beach with castle in background
View of the Santa Barbara castle from beach in Alicante
The start of the walk up to the castle of Santa Barbara
View of the Castle walls
Ray walking the steep walkway to the Santa Barbara Castle


Trail towards the top of the castle
Steep incline near the top of the mount of Benacantil

When we got to the top the castle and views were spectacular.  The Castle is approximately 166 metres above sea level and overlooks the City of Alicante and the Bay of Alicante.  There have been archaeological remains found from the roman to bronze age. Some of the artifacts are on display in the castle.  One of the artifacts is pictured below, a vase from the 1st to 3rd century AD.

pot from roman times 1st century
Roman vase 1st to 3rd century AD

The Castle itself is very impressive, with architectural features, thick stone walls and massive arched bridges. The outside space of the castle is large and there are many structures and a protective wall around the whole castle.

Arches in castle outdoor yard area


arched bridge
One of the arched bridges in the castle yard
bridge arch
Bridge overhead in castle yard

On the upper level of the castle yard there are watch posts that were used to guard the city. The views were stunning from there. You can see for kilometers and over the entire city.

look out post on top level of castle
Watch post on upper level of castle
looking through cannon window slot
View through Cannon slot

There were several iron figures throughout the castle yard highlighting key lookout points.

Guard with spear
Metal statues in battle
Archer guarding the castle
Archer overlooking the Castle
Archers view from guard post
Upper level of Castle with guard post
One of the views of city of Alicante from Castle
A view of city of Alicante
view of city
Another view of the city of Alicante

The inside of the castle was also very impressive. There are  multiple rooms, some are very large with massive stone pillars. Other castle rooms where smaller and contained displays about the history of the castle.

Interpretation of the Santa Faz by artist Jose Maria Moran Burritti (Santa Faz Alicante is a Catholic relic of the Santa Faz venerated in the monastery of Santa Faz of the city of Alicante)
Santa Faz representation
Stone floors of castle
Big room in Castle
Entrance to hallway to tunnel in mountain to elevator
Shelley in distance taking photo
One of the many arched entrances into a room in castle
Shelley in arched hallway in castle

There was also an art exhibit on display highlighting JR Tolkien and the of literature “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” We explored the art exhibit and enjoyed it. We will do a separate blog on the art exhibit. Overall we had a very good day and enjoyed the castle. We had a pedometer with us and we walked over 10 kilometres today. We were very tired and glad to get home after the day.

“adios y que tenga un grand dias”



Life is too short to wait for adventure!