a visit to the Yelmo cinema

We have been resting and taking it easy since getting back to Spain. We have adjusted to the six-hour time change and are now back into our routines. Last night we decided to go to see a movie at the local theater.  We walked to the Yelmo Cinema which is about ten minutes away and is located in the Puerta de Alicante Mall. We went to see the Movie “Star Trek Beyond” which was playing in Spanish.

star trek poster copy
Star Trek Beyond Movie Poster

I went to the lineup to purchase our tickets and asked the clerk in my best Spanish  “Hola, dos billettes por la cine Star Trek Beyond, por favor” She looked at me like I was talking gibberish and asked me to repeat myself.  This time, I spoke slower and repeated it again, then she said (in Spanish) oh you mean “Star Trek: Más allá”.  Yup still working on the Spanish communication…

Line up for tickets and refreshments combined at Yelmo cinema

We bought our tickets for a grand total of $4.50 euros each and went to enter the cinema. The girl taking the tickets informed us that we had to wait until the other show was finished in about fifteen minutes. We decided to walk around the lobby of the theater and look around. As we were waiting we came across some info on the Yelmo fan card. It is a points card similar to the Scene card for  Cineplex theaters in Canada. We decided we would join and get a Yelmo fan card. I went back up to the girl at the counter and asked her in my best Spanish, how do we get the Yelmo fan  card. She explained the process and gave us two application forms. We filled out the forms and paid our $2.50 euro each for the membership. This provides us with one free movie each and discounts on everything from snacks to entry into the movies. We are now proud owners of a Yelmo Fan cinema card.

Yelmo Cinema Fan card

We watched the Star Trek movie in Spanish. It was very difficult for us to grasp what was being said in Spanish for several reasons. We have never studied scientific terms in Spanish and of course, they were talking very fast, which made it almost impossible to follow along. We sat there a little confused at times but still enjoyed the movie. It is fair to say we are going to watch this movie again, but this time in English.

“Adios y que tenga un gran dia”