Getting our Spanish Drivers License

We are residents of Spain and unfortunately the Spanish government does not recognise our Canadian driver’s licence beyond the first six months in Spain.

We have been studying and preparing for the inevitable task of getting our Spanish driver’s licence. This process began three months ago when we bought the study book in English. The book was very expensive and cost around $150. euros. We also had access to a bank of practice questions online which was a good start for studying.


The system to get your driver’s licence is very different here compared to Canada. All persons getting their driver’s licence are required to take classes at a registered driving school “Autoescuela”. We attended a few of the driving schools to get general information before registering with one of the schools. We decided to go with an autoescuela located not far from where we live.


We registered and paid our $59.95 each for the theory class. It is provided online and is also available in English.  We are now working towards the formal written test which we have scheduled for September 22nd.

There are still a few things we need to complete before the test. We are required to obtain a medical certificate at a specific medical facility. This must be done at least one week prior to the test. We are also required to have two passport size photos.

We will be getting these done next week and studying the materials before the test on September 22nd.

“Adios y que tenga un gran dia”


2 thoughts on “Getting our Spanish Drivers License”

  1. Love the blog guys. I took my written test and also failed the thing. Back at it……hope to see y’all soon

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