Tag Archives: Winter

A few weeks of Winter Wonderland

I (Ray) went back to Canada for a few weeks in the cold of January.  I was there to help a family relative with some medical issues. While I was there I was able to enjoy some outdoor activities with some friends.

Ray enjoying some time with friends and playing in the snow.

Dan and I went snowmobiling along some  beautiful pristine trails.

Dan on his snowmobile on the trail

There was a fair amount of snow so it made the trails very fun to ride on.  We even had a great cabin to stop and warm up if we got to cold. 

Dan and Ray on the snowmobiles in front of the cabin

It was a long time since I was on a snowmobile and it was quite enjoyable. At first, it took me a while to get accustomed to the  snow and riding on the trails. At one point I even ended up getting stuck and Dan had to help me get out of the snow. 

We stopped and took a nice break at the cabin and enjoyed the fresh cold crisp fresh air.

Afterwards we continued enjoying some snowmobiling and we separated along the trails in order to explore more of the area. 

We left the cabin and  explored the trails I stoped along the way to admire the sheer beauty of nature and peace of being in the bush.

It was so quiet and peaceful. It was quite cold and you could here the snow cruch when you walked.  

It was truly so much fun and relaxing at the same time.  Along the way Dan even managed to get a video of me on the snowmobile.

Normally we are not in Canada during the winter months for obvious reasons, however this was a fun time and reminds me of the fun winter brings in Canada.

¨The simple things in life can be the most enjoyable, like playing in the snow.¨