Tag Archives: San Sebastian

Tapa Bar in San Sebastián

We went to an amazing tapa bar called “Nagusia Lau” in San Sebastián.

Tapa Bar Nagusia Lau in San Sebastián in Spain

Inside the bar were tapas of every imaginable type laid out on the bar area.

Tapas laid pout on the bar for choosing by customers.

When we entered the bar the place was packed with people. We were lucky to find a table near the back of the bar. We sat down and our waitress arrived and explained how the tapa bar worked. We go to the bar and select and put on our plate whatever tapas we want. We then tell the person behind the bar our table number and he notes the tapas on our plate.

Shelley walking along the bar selecting her tapas.

Selecting our tapas was not easy because of the large selection of interesting and tasty looking tapas. We walked along the bar looking at the different ones trying to select the ones we wanted.

some of the tapas for choosing.

We chose different tapas and headed back to our table. Each tapa was very tasty but there were a few that were extremely delicious, “Gambas” and “Pulpo”

“gambas” scrimp in a fresh sauce with peppers
“Pulpo” octopus sliced in garlic butter with paprika and other spices

We really enjoyed sampling some of the great tapas in San Sebastián and the Nagusia Lau Tapa bar was a great experience.

“Ados eta egun handia”

A visit to San Sebastien, Spain

We went to San Sebastien to explore this beautiful city. We began our exploring by taking the hop-on-hop-off bus.

Hop-on-hop-off Bus in San Sebastian, Spain

We were able to explore the different areas of San Sebastian and see some of the key points of interest before exploring them in more detail on foot.

Shelley, Ray, Mark and Vicki on the Hop-on-hop-off bus in San Sebastian

The city had some unique and beautiful sites. There are several great beaches which are very picturesque.

Beach front of San Sebastian, Spain
Ray on the boardwalk at the edge of the concha beach.

We walked through the old city centre exploring its charm. There was some beautiful architecture and parks.

We then went to “Funicular Monte Igueldo” which is a mountainside train which brings you to an amusement park. We decided to take the train car which is pulled up the mountain Igueldo by cable to the top.

The Funicular Monte Igueldo cable car in San Sebastian

We bought our tickets and lined up for the next cable car.

Ray, Shelley, Vicki and Mark waiting for the cable car to arrive.

You could see the train tracks leading up the Igueldo mountain.

Funicular train tracks leading the cable car to the top of the mountain

We rode the cable car up the tracks to the top of the mountain. It was an eerie felling as we went up the steep incline of the mountain. There was no sound of a motor and if the cable broke the cable car would surely go straight down the mountain. When we reached the amusement park at the top the views were spectacular.

Shelley, Ray, Mark and Vicki at the top of the mountain overlooking the city of San Sebastian, Spain

We walked around the top of the Igueldo mountain enjoying the beautiful views.

Amusement park on the top of the mountain
A view from the mountain pf the City of San Sebastian

We decided to stop and have a refreshing drink while looking at the views. Afterwards we headed back down the mountain using the cable car. We enjoyed exploring the city of San Sebastian and look forward to our next visit to this wonderful spot.

“Ados eta egun handia”