Tapa Bar in San Sebastián

We went to an amazing tapa bar called “Nagusia Lau” in San Sebastián.

Tapa Bar Nagusia Lau in San Sebastián in Spain

Inside the bar were tapas of every imaginable type laid out on the bar area.

Tapas laid pout on the bar for choosing by customers.

When we entered the bar the place was packed with people. We were lucky to find a table near the back of the bar. We sat down and our waitress arrived and explained how the tapa bar worked. We go to the bar and select and put on our plate whatever tapas we want. We then tell the person behind the bar our table number and he notes the tapas on our plate.

Shelley walking along the bar selecting her tapas.

Selecting our tapas was not easy because of the large selection of interesting and tasty looking tapas. We walked along the bar looking at the different ones trying to select the ones we wanted.

some of the tapas for choosing.

We chose different tapas and headed back to our table. Each tapa was very tasty but there were a few that were extremely delicious, “Gambas” and “Pulpo”

“gambas” scrimp in a fresh sauce with peppers
“Pulpo” octopus sliced in garlic butter with paprika and other spices

We really enjoyed sampling some of the great tapas in San Sebastián and the Nagusia Lau Tapa bar was a great experience.

“Ados eta egun handia”

2 thoughts on “Tapa Bar in San Sebastián”

  1. Hello Chaput’S

    We are coming back to visit and we want to spend a week in San Sebastian.

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