A walk to Sacre-Coeur Church

We stayed at a nice hotel in Paris called “Hotel des Arts Martre” which was close to the famous Moulin Rouge.

Moulin Rouge in Paris

We decided to take a walk from our hotel and walk up the steep streets near our hotel.  We weaved in and out of the streets working our way up the hillside.

stairs along the way  leading up the hilltop in Paris

We eventually reached the top of the hill and discovered a vibrant area with a large plaza in the middle. There were artists of every kind selling their art in the plaza. We were even approached by different artists wanting to do a portrait of us for about 10 euros. We walked around the entire plaza admiring all the artwork on display.

Art on display for sale in the plaza
Artist working on some art while waiting to sell his drawings.
People looking at the art for sale

Afterward, we headed up towards the Sacre-Coeur Church which we could see in the distance. The church as a beautiful large domed structure with an amazing view of the city.

Shelley and Ray on the steps of the Sacre-Coeur Church in Paris

We entered the church and there was a mass going on so we did not stay. We headed outside and walked around the church area admiring the views of Paris.

View of Paris from the Sacre-Coeur Church

Unfortunately, there was fog which made it hard to see all of the city, but it was still very breathtaking.

View of Paris from Sacre-Coeur Church area

After walking around looking at the beautiful views we headed down the main stairs of the Sacre-Coeur church. Along the walk down we came across some interesting sights. There was a person dressed completely in white as a statue and people were having their photo taken with him for a price.

Person having photo taken with person in white

Further down the stairs, we came to a section which had a wall with several fountain bases inset into it. This was an area where everyone gathered to sit and enjoy the view.

Wall area where people could sit and enjoy the views along the stairs of Sacre-Coeur Church

Further down the stairs, we came to an area that had a merry-go-round. There were kids playing and enjoying the ride.

View of Merry-Go-Round with the Sacre-Coeur Church in the background.

The walk was very enjoyable and we spent almost 5 hours walking up and around the hill enjoying the views and atmosphere.

“Au revoir et bonne journée”

Le Petit Musee du Chocolat

We were exploring the streets of Paris and came across a great chocolate store. The display in the window caught our attention so we went inside to check it out.


Inside the store, there were displays of Paris monuments made completely in chocolate.  The Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris was on display at the main entrance area. It took a total 210 hours of work and contains 58 kilograms of Chocolate. The detail and size of the replica were spectacular. It was 110 cm High, 140cm Long and 51 cm wide.

Side view of the Notre Dame Cathedral Chocolate replica
Rear view of the Notre Dame Cathedral Chocolate replica
Front view of the Notre Dame Cathedral Chocolate replica

Inside the store, there were other displays made completely in Chocolate. Some displays were very large and highlighted under plexiglass.

The Eiffel Tower made completely in chocolate
The Arc de Triomphe made completely in chocolate
A large replica of the Venus de milo completely in Chocolate

We walked around the large store looking at all the different items of display. The store was quite large and it seemed that everywhere we looked there were more chocolate displays with great details.

Inside view of the Le Petit Musee de Chocolate

There was a large sail ship made completely from chocolate on display near the stairs to the lower basement area.

Front view of the chocolate sail ship on display.
Side view of the Chocolate Sail Ship

We saw all kinds of amazing and interesting chocolate displays. They also sold chocolate and you could buy chocolate items for Halloween or other themed events.

Chocolate ghost for sale
Chocolate tub with chocolate turtles inside

The store was an amazing spot with some very interesting chocolates and displays.

“Au revoir et bonne journée”

A few days in Paris

We went to Paris which is the most populated city in France with over 2.2 million people. The city is the capital of France and a major centre for tourism, art and fashion. We decided to take the hop on bus in order to explore as much of the city as we could. The weather was very cool around 15 or 16 degrees celsius. We bundled up and found good seats on the top row of the bus.

Louise and Brad on the Hop on Bus in Paris

We travelled throughout the day on the bus looking at all the popular sites.

Eiffel tower in Paris
The National Assembly in Paris

We spent approximately eight hours on the bus seeing the different areas of Paris. We travelled to the new area of the city with modern buildings and architecture. This was a contrast to what most people imagine when they think of Paris. The modern buildings were very impressive.

AccorHotels Arena in Paris
Bibliotheque National de France in Paris
Unique cubed style building in Paris
mk2 Bibliotheque in Paris

After touring the city on the bus, we decided to walk along some of the old sections of Paris.


The walk was very enjoyable and we were able to see some of the quaint stores, cafes and restaurants. Although the day was cool, we had a very good time.

“Au revoir et bonne journée”

The Beautiful Visit to Ronda Spain

We went to Ronda Spain which is a beautiful mountain top town. The views are gorgeous, overlooking the valley and gorge below.

Ronda, Spain

What makes this town truly unique is the El Tajo gorge which separates the town into two sections. There is an amazing bridge which connects the two sides of Ronda. It was originally built by the Moors in the 15th century.

Side view of the Ronda Bridge built by the Moors in 15th century

We decided to take a walk on the observation area in the middle of the bridge which is accessed through a long set of steep stone stairs.

Brad, Louise, and Shelley walking down the stair to the observation area in middle of the bridge

We climbed the steep stairs and entered the observation area to admire the breathtaking views.

Stairs into the middle of the Bridge

Inside we could see the gorge and cliffs lined with buildings.

View from the center of the bridge observation area

We could also see the side of the bridge which was quite impressive. The column base is almost 200 feet down to the base of the gorge.

View of the columns of the bridge in Ronda Spain

We then walked throughout the town exploring the narrow cobblestone streets. We came across a horse-drawn carriage and decided to take a ride. It was a great way to explore the town and have a rest at the same time.

Horse-drawn buggy in Ronda Spain
Louise and Brad in horse-drawn Carriage in Ronda Spain

We traveled through the streets admiring the sites and sounds of Ronda. We came across several very beautiful buildings and vistas along our route.

Narrow cobblestone street in Ronda
Historic building in Ronda’s Min plaza
Bullfighting arena in Ronda Spain

After our horse-drawn tour, we decided to get something to eat at a restaurant called. “Duquesa de Parcent” The restaurant was nice looking inside, but once  we stepped out onto the back patio we were in awe.

Front of the “Duquesa De Parcent” Restaurant
The outside patio of the restaurant

The view was spectacular and we managed to get a seat at the very edge of the patio overlooking the gorge.

View from our table in the restaurant.

The lunch was extremely tasty and very enjoyable. Afterwards, we walked through the narrow streets towards the cliffs and came across some great views.

View of the rooftops of Ronda Spain
The fortress wall of Ronda
The walled street overlooking part of Ronda
The street along the other fortified wall of Ronda
Brad, Louise and Shelley taking a break to admire the views in Ronda

We truly enjoyed our time in Ronda. The city is a beautiful spot and well worth the time.

“adio y que tenga un gran dia”


Taking a Spanish cooking Class

We decided to take a cooking class and learn how to make some traditional Spanish meals. We headed to one of our favorite traditional Spanish restaurants called “Taberna Iberica.” Our Chef Francesca was very friendly and greeted us with a kiss on each cheek. She spoke only Spanish and the entire cooking demonstration was in Spanish. We entered the small galley kitchen which is used for the entire restaurant.

Mike, Louise, Brad, Liz and Ray in the galley kitchen
Galley kitchen

She demonstrated the techniques and processes for the making of several traditional meals. The first meal we began making was Paella with chicken. She began by chopping up a half chicken which included the bones.

Chicken being chopped up by our Chef Francesca

Chef Francesca then demonstrated how to cook the chicken and make the paella. The process involved olive oil, water, peppers, a few spices and very easy to make.

Chicken paella being made
Shelley mixing up the magic

We then began another Spanish dish “tortilla de potatas” which is a breakfast meal. The process was surprisingly easy and simple to make. It used potatoes, olive oil, and eggs with a few spices.  The tortilla de potatas was made using a frying pan.

Chef Francesca making Tortilla de Potatas with Brad watching in the background.

The final dish we made was a seafood paella. The process was somewhat different with a few changes. One of the differences was the boiling of fish pieces in water then removing the fish and using the water to make the rice. We then added some cuttlefish and prawns.

cuttlefish used in the seafood paella
Prawns used in the seafood paella
Seafood paella

Once the three dishes were finished we took them upstairs to our table.

Ray taking the paella to the restaurant table, Liz watching in the background
Our table with the paella and tortilla de potatas

We sat down at our table to enjoy the paellas and Tortilla. There was also red and white wine, freshly baked bread and water. We enjoyed the food and ate until we were all full and content.

The remains of the paella
the remains of the tortilla de potatas

We were relaxing and enjoying ourselves when they owner presented us with an after dinner drink.

After dinner, Spanish drink being poured

We toasted the Chef and enjoyed the after dinner drink, before heading out.

Ray toasting the after dinner drink with Brad and company

As we were leaving the restaurant, Chef Francesca came and gave us a Spanish kiss on each cheek and made us feel like we were family. It was an amazing feeling to be so welcomed into a restaurant. It was more like a family meal than a restaurant.

“Adios y que tenga un gran dia”

Life is too short to wait for adventure!