Huevos de Codorniz

We have been trying out new food since moving to Spain. One of the foods we have seen on many occasions is Quail eggs. I do not recall ever seeing them in Canada but they are popular here in Spain. We decided to try “Huevos frescos de Codorniz”. which means “Fresh eggs of Quail”.

Common Quail

They sell the small cartons of Quail eggs at most grocery stores and markets. We went to our local market and our vendor Christina told us they are very good served on toast with cheese.

Quail eggs which are sold in Spain

We bought a dozen of the quail eggs and headed home to give them a try. Quail eggs are much smaller than chicken eggs about a quarter the size of a regular chicken egg.

Carton of a dozen quail eggs

Quail eggs are higher in protein and nutrients than chicken eggs. Their small size makes it very tricky to crack them open without breaking the yoke.


Shelley cooked up four of them for breakfast in a small frying pan. The eggs were so small that there was lots of room left in the pan.

four quail eggs in a small frying pan
Two fried quail eggs on cheddar cheese and a half of a toasted baguette

We made some toasted baguette and enjoyed the quail eggs with cheddar cheese and a sprinkle of olive oil.

The meal was very tasty and the quail eggs taste very similar to chicken eggs.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dia”