Pirates of the Caribbean in Alicante

We took a walk on the boardwalk near the Mediterranean Sea.

Boardwalk near Mediterranean sea in Alicante

We were enjoying the walk and came across the Museo Volvo Ocean Race and decided to check it out.

We entered the free museum not knowing anything about the Volvo Ocean Race. We were amazed at how large the museum was and the complexity of the exhibits. Almost ever exhibit was interactive and very informative.

There were small model sail ships that explained the different pieces of the equipment and design of the sailboat. There were fans blowing the wind and moving the sails in different directions explaining how sailing worked.

Model of the sailboat explaining parts of the interior of the ship

They had interactive sailing stations where kids could compete against each other on a virtual screen.

Kids racing against each other on virtual sailing exhibit

There was even a virtual ride on the sailboat in rough and windy waters of the ocean. We watched some children go into the ride but we decided to skip that ride.

virtual sailboat ride at Volvo Ocean Race museum

It was a very enlightening experience and we learned a lot about the Volvo Ocean Race. The race is the longest race of any kind in the world. It crosses four oceans and is 46,000 nautical miles long.  The race will start on October 22, 2017,  in Alicante and finishes eight months later in The Hague. There is a total of 11 legs in the race starting in Alicante and finishing in The Hague.

The legs of the Volvo Ocean Race 2017

The race will take over eight months to complete and covers four oceans. The race is the toughest test in professional sailing.

There was a sailboat called “The Black Pearl” and was crewed by a team called “Pirates of the Caribbean”, the United States entry sailboat was sponsored by Disney. We were able to see some of the Black Pearl equipment and the sailboat itself.

Shelley with the “Pirates of the Caribbean” suit worn by crew members during the race.

The “Black Pearl” was raced in 2005-2006 Volvo Ocean race and won second place.

The “Black Pearl” was on display at the museum but then relocated to a prominent location in downtown Alicante.

The Black Pearl on Display near the main promenade in downtown Alicante

There is a short video below that explains the Volvo Ocean Race and the Black Pearl.

We enjoyed the museum more than we thought we would. It was very interesting and the Volvo Ocean Race is an amazing and challenging race.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dia”

Not a regular walk in the park

We took a beautiful Sunday hiking trip to a mountain located right in the city of Alicante called “Serra Grossa”. The mountain is located on the Mediterranean coastline and provides a great view of the entire area. We took the bus to the mall which is near the base of the mountain. We started our hike and walked up the winding path.

Ray along the trail on the Serra Grossa mountain

We gradually worked our way up the path and came across a great view of the Mediterranean sea.

Trail along the Serra Grossa Mountain

As we worked our way up the mountain we came across some spectacular views of the area.

The higher we went up the trail, the more we could see of the coastline.  We continued along the trail and came to a lookout area that had benches and some shade.

We decided to stop and take a break. We sat down on the bench and enjoyed the stunning views.

The view from the bench on the Serra Grossa Mountain

After having a nice relaxing break on the bench we headed further up the path.  As we came around a bend we could see some trenches and tunnels in the mountain. These were remnants of the bomb shelters from 1936 that were in place to protect the locals.

Shelley in one of the trenches on Serra Grossa mountain
Part of the bomb shelter system on the Serra Grossa mountain
Shelley at a lookout in the bomb shelter of Serra Grossa mountain

It was interesting walking through the shelter and looking at the structure. We then continued up the mountain heading towards the peak.  We came across a cement square structure that was perched on the edge of the mountain. There were stairs leading down to it but there were no rails or any type of protection. We decided that we wouldn’t head down as it was dangerous looking.

Structure perched on the edge of the mountain

We continued to work our way towards the top stopping along the way to rest and admire the breathtaking views. The trail was getting steep and rough in places towards the top but we managed to reach the summit.

Shelley sitting on stone wall at the top of the Serra Grossa mountain

From the top, you could see a 360-degree view of Alicante. The 490-meter elevation provided us with a view of the coast, and the mountains. It was truly a beautiful and breathtaking view.

View of Alicante from Serra Grossa summit

“Adios y que tenga un grand dia”

Serra Grossa mountain, Alicante Spain

An evening in El Campello

We were invited to a jazz evening in El Campello and decided to go and check it out. We took the TRAM from Luceros to El Campello which takes about 30 minutes.

Entrance to the TRAM at Luceros in Alicante

We then walked about 5 minutes to the Jazz event being held at the Casa de Cultura.

Casa de Cultura in El Campello

We arrived 15 minutes early but the place was already packed. There was standing room only so we decided to stand at the back to watch the jazz. There was no ventilation and the room was very warm.

Packed room waiting for the jazz band to start playing.

The band came out and began playing some jazz music which was interesting to listen to. It is not our typical type pf music but was a nice change.

We listened to the music for about a half hour then decided to leave because it was very warm and uncomfortable standing.

We headed back towards the TRAM and came across some friends having dinner at an outside patio. They invited us to stay and visit so we enjoyed some time chatting with friends. We then took the TRAM back to Alicante and stopped at one of our favorite restaurants called Mish Mish.

Shelley at Mish Mish restaurant Alicante

The restaurant was busy and there were lots of people outside enjoying the great weather. We had some tasty tapas before heading home.

It was an enjoyable evening of relaxation, Jazz, and good company.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dia”

A bike ride in Alicante

On Sunday we decided to take a nice bike ride with our friend Filipe through parts of Alicante. There are so many beautiful sights and scenes in the city that each day is a great chance to explore. We started in the center of the city and worked our way down towards the waterfront. We cycled along the waterfront enjoying the view

Ray and Shelley along the waterfront in Alicante

We came across a group of people singing and chanting in Russian along the waterfront. Some were dressed in traditional Russian dress.

Russian march along the waterfront

We decided to take a break and watch them for a while before heading on.

Ray, Shelley, and Filipe taking a break on waterfront boardwalk

We continued along the coastline for a few kilometers admiring the vistas.

Shelley and Ray on the coast of Mediterranean Sea.

We came across a lookout area and took some time to admire the views.

Ray, Filipe and Shelley on the lookout admiring the view

After biking along the coast we headed into the old quarter of Alicante. We cycled through the old streets of Alicante and came to a beautiful old neighborhood called Barrio de Santa Cruz.

They decorate the streets with flowers and colorful ornaments to welcome the Fiesta of the Crosses of May. They hold a fiesta and decorate flower crosses which are judged for the best design. The fiesta ends on the 1st of May and we missed the fiesta but we were able to see the winning cross still on display.

Ray and Shelley in front of the Winning Flower cross of the Fiesta in Barrio de Santa Cruz

We then headed back into the center of the city and came across an art exhibit. It was set up with local artist displaying their work and some artist were painting as well. We stopped and decided to check it out.

Shelley looking at some of the artwork on display

There were some very talented artists and we watch several of them work on their art. We could recognize some of the Spanish landmarks they had painted in some of the paintings.

As we walked throughout the displays we came across a beautiful water feature.

Water feature in the park with artist

After viewing the art we stopped at a new Italian restaurant called “ll Typico”. We were introduced to the owner Felice Falanga by our friend Filipe and enjoyed a wonderful meal.

Filipe, the owner Felice Falanga, Shelley and Ray

Overall another great adventure in Alicante. Each day brings new adventures and experiences.

“Adios y que Tenga un grand dia”

Alicante, Spain

Driver’s License Success

We finally, completed our Spain driver’s process including the final practical exam. The procedure of acquiring a Spanish driver’s license is a major undertaking for people who live in Canada and the USA. The Spanish government does not recognize the equivalency of a Canadian or USA driver’s license. You are required to complete the entire driver license process regardless of your past experience identical to that of a new Spanish driver.

We began the process back in fall with completing the written exam. The written exam was an experience and adventure on its own. If you haven’t followed the post on our progress follow the links below.

http://wp.me/p6PTzi-11N             http://wp.me/p6PTzi-12T

We have been taking the practical driving lessons which are a requirement in order to complete the driver exam process. Although we are both experienced drivers and have held a Canadian driver license for years the lessons were of value.

The driving techniques in Spain and Europe are somewhat different from Canada. We do drive on the same side of the road however, there are some notable differences.

Yield signs are common and stop signs are minimal in Alicante. There are numerous roundabouts in Spain and some roundabouts are complex with three or more lanes wide.

Typical roundabout in Spain

Traffic signs are also slightly different, there are multiple signs for the same intersection which can be confusing at times.

After completing numerous practical driving lessons, we finally had our driving test days. Ray’s test was first and it was done during a torrential downpour. The examiner only speaks Spanish and no translator is permitted for the exam.  The exam took approximately 20 minutes and when completed I was informed to wait outside the car. The examiner and the driving instructor remained in the car for a few minutes to discuss the exam.  Ray was then allowed back in the vehicle and he was dropped off at the apartment. The results of the exam would not be available for 24 hours.

Shelley’s Driving exam was held on the Wednesday before the Easter long weekend. Traffic was congested and there were three other students in the car when the exam took place. The examiner asks each student a question about the car prior to the practical exam. Shelley’s question was on the colour of the reverse lights on the car when in reverse. Shelley completed the exam and was also asked to wait outside the car with the other students.

The final result is that we both have passed our driver exams and now have a Spanish driver’s license.

Ray and Shelley in front of the Pausa driving school holding their Driver Licence L

In the first year after obtaining your driver’s license in Spain, you are required to have an “L” on your rear window of your car. We received our “L” from our driving school and will display it proudly when we drive.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dia”

Life is too short to wait for adventure!