Photo art show

We decided to go and check out the opening night of a local photo art show with some friends. It was a beautiful evening and we walked to the converted old tabacco factory which now is hosting the art show. The building and grounds were beautiful with palm trees and a very unique restaurant.

Sonja and Shelley on the walkway leading to the refurbished tabacco factory.
Entrance walkway into the old tabacco factory property

We walked up the long walkway towards the building and came across a restaurant.

Ray looking at the unique design of the terrace

The outside terrace area was uniquely designed with wooden slats.

Front entrance of the restaurant

The restaurant was closed but we were able to walk inside the terrace area and look at the design more closely.

Outside design of the lats on the terrace
View of the slats used to form the design

The design made for a very interesting terrace.

A side view of the terrace

We walked to the main entrance area of the large building. It was refurbished and was now used for special events such as the art show.

Front facade of the refurbished tabacco factory

Inside there was an area with a table set up for complimentary drinks and an area with information pamphlets.

Entrance area with tables and pamphlets

The photo art show  was officially launched with some key people speaking at the podium. We listened to the speeches before exploring the art.

Opening ceremony for the launch of the photo art exhibit

We walked around the exhibit enjoying the unique or different photography. Some of the photos were quite interesting while others seemed ordinary.

Different photos on display
Photo art displayed in the long corridor of the converted factory.
One of the photos on display

After spending about an hour at the exhibit, we enjoyed a nice leisure walk home. It was a great way to spend a beautiful evening in Alicante.

“Adios y que tenga un gran dia”

battleship tour

The Spanish navy was recruiting and docked some ships at the marina in Alicante. We went down to the marina to check it out.

Spanish Navy recruiting in the Alicante Marina

We also had an opportunity to enjoy a tour of one of the minesweeper ships.

minesweepers docked in the Alicante marina

We met with one of the officers of the ship and he took us for a tour of the ship.

Officers of the Spanish minesweeper preparing to do a tour

We boarded the ship and went to the stern of the ship to begin the tour. We walked through the top area of the ship and looked at some of the equipment located there. One piece of equipment was an underwater camera system.

Underwater camera system

There was an underwater mini submarine used to locate underwater mines. The submarine had special tools attached that could be used to cut cables or pick up items underwater.

Underwater remote control mini sub.

There was even a decompression chamber for their divers located on board.

Decompression chamber for divers

We then walked up stairs to the bridge section of the ship.

Ray on stairs of the ship.

The bridge of the ship was interesting. There were manual and computer controls for the ship. The control of the entire ship could be done with only one crew member.

Controls on the main bridge of the ship
Ray on the observation seat of the bridge

Ray even had an opportunity to sit down and enjoy the view from the bridge of the ship.

The view from the observation chair in the Bridge of the ship

We then headed down a set of stairs to the sonar room. The sonar room was equipped with several computer stations and some computer screens located on the walls. No photos were allowed in this room because of security.

We then saw some living quarters, and other rooms for the 41 members of the crew. Afterwards we headed back to the topside of the ship. Ray took the opportunity to check out one of the machine guns.

Ray holding a machine gun

We had a great time seeing the ship. The tour was very informative and enjoyable.

“adios y que tenga un gran dia”

Visit to Pinoso Spain

We went for a visit to the town of Pinoso, which was having a fiesta on that day. This quaint little town is named after the pines which are located throughout it.

The pines along the main road in Pinoso

We walked through the streets and made our way to the fiesta.

Entrance area of the fiesta in Pinoso

We went through the gate and came across a large crowd of people. We walked along the many rows of tables which displayed different items.

Display of traditional quilts and local wines

There were people displaying traditional techniques of weaving etc.

An Artisan explaining and demonstrating the making of weaved baskets for grape collecting.

We watched a few of the displays and then continued along the rows of tables. We came across a children’s area where the children were gathered dancing and doing different artwork. Some of the children were dressed in the traditional dress.

Children in traditional dress

Felipe and I even took some time to take a photo in local traditional style.

Felipe and Ray having their photo in a traditional style

We came to the main stage area of the fiesta. There were people in traditional dress performing a traditional dance. We stopped and watched the performance for a few minutes enjoying the show.

We then went to check out the food tents which were lined up along an entire street.

Food tents with traditional Spanish dishes

We went along looking at the different menus and food before deciding to try certain food. We opted for some paella and a glass of local wine. It was served with a special tray to help you along the walk.

Paella and glass of red wine in carrying tray

After trying some local food we walked along the fiesta enjoying the music and sounds of the fiesta.

Ray and Shelley at the Pinoso Fiesta

We enjoyed our time in Pinoso, it was an interesting and enjoyable way to spend a day.

“Adios y que tenga un gran dia”

visit to the Santa Catalina del Mañan Bodega

We went to tour of a local Bodega called “Bodega Santa Catalina del Mañan” which is located about 48 kilometers from the city of Alicante.

Entrance to the Santa Catalina Moñan Bodega

We met with a representative of the Bodega and she gave us a tour of the yard where the grapes are received and processed.

Our tour guide of the Bodega

The grapes are put into a hopper system where they are processed through several stations.

Hopper where the grapes start the process to becoming wine.
Large vats where the wine is stored for fermentation

After touring the outside yard, we entered into the Bodega.

Shelley entering into the Bodega

We walked through the interior of the winery. The tour guide explained how the wine was processed.

The interior of the wine processing area.
Tour guide explaining the wine process

After touring the wine making process area, we entered the storefront of the Bodega.

Wine on display in Bodega

We then went into an area for some wine tasting. They had a table set up with snack and different wines.

Wine sampling area of the Bodega

We sampled different wines and enjoyed some snacks before leaving the Bodega. It was an interesting tour and a lot of fun.

“Adios y que tenga un gran dia”

Burning of the “Sardine”

We went to see the funeral procession and burning of the Sardine which was on Valentine’s day this year. We decided to head down early and meet up with friends for a drink and then see the burning of the sardine.

The funeral procession is a symbolic end to indulgence and the start of lent, People dress up in black and wear veils and walk behind a wooden effigy of a sardine.

Funeral procession of the sardine

The funeral procession walks through some of the streets and then ends in the Plaza Del Carmen. This is when they commence the burning of the effigy. There is a person who says some prayers and chants on the loss of indulgence and the beginning of lent.

Person saying the prayers at the burning of the sardine

There are people dressed in red devil type clothing who run around the effigy with burning fireworks in their hands. It is quite something to see people dancing around with live fireworks going off in their hands.

People with live fireworks in their hands running around the effigy

After some time they set the sardine on fire using the fireworks to start it.

Lighting the sardine on fire with fireworks

We watched the entire burning of the sardine near the front and had a great view.

We stayed until the end of the sardine burning and enjoyed the party for a while.

Our group of friends at the burning of the sardine

Here is a short video of the burning  of the sardine.

We had a great time and enjoyed “burning the sardine”

“Adios y que tenga un gran dia”

Life is too short to wait for adventure!