Tag Archives: Alicante Marina

battleship tour

The Spanish navy was recruiting and docked some ships at the marina in Alicante. We went down to the marina to check it out.

Spanish Navy recruiting in the Alicante Marina

We also had an opportunity to enjoy a tour of one of the minesweeper ships.

minesweepers docked in the Alicante marina

We met with one of the officers of the ship and he took us for a tour of the ship.

Officers of the Spanish minesweeper preparing to do a tour

We boarded the ship and went to the stern of the ship to begin the tour. We walked through the top area of the ship and looked at some of the equipment located there. One piece of equipment was an underwater camera system.

Underwater camera system

There was an underwater mini submarine used to locate underwater mines. The submarine had special tools attached that could be used to cut cables or pick up items underwater.

Underwater remote control mini sub.

There was even a decompression chamber for their divers located on board.

Decompression chamber for divers

We then walked up stairs to the bridge section of the ship.

Ray on stairs of the ship.

The bridge of the ship was interesting. There were manual and computer controls for the ship. The control of the entire ship could be done with only one crew member.

Controls on the main bridge of the ship
Ray on the observation seat of the bridge

Ray even had an opportunity to sit down and enjoy the view from the bridge of the ship.

The view from the observation chair in the Bridge of the ship

We then headed down a set of stairs to the sonar room. The sonar room was equipped with several computer stations and some computer screens located on the walls. No photos were allowed in this room because of security.

We then saw some living quarters, and other rooms for the 41 members of the crew. Afterwards we headed back to the topside of the ship. Ray took the opportunity to check out one of the machine guns.

Ray holding a machine gun

We had a great time seeing the ship. The tour was very informative and enjoyable.

“adios y que tenga un gran dia”