Residency cards renewed

It is hard to believe we have been here a year already.  We were required to renew our residency card which expired in January 2017. We began the renewal process in November 2016 with the first process attending the “Oficina de Extranjero” to have our documents reviewed to ensure they met the requirements.

We headed to the “Oficina de Extranjero” and arrived early in the hopes of getting served quickly. We took a number and waited our turn. After approximately 30 minutes our number was called and we met with a clerk. She reviewed our papers and informed us that we were missing one form. The form was available online and we needed to return with it completed. We were not permitted to complete it there so off we went back home.   We completed the form and returned another day to have our documents reviewed again.

After waiting approximately 45 minutes our number was called and we met with a different clerk. She reviewed our documents and asked for a new document that was not on the list, however, I brought every document we had, including the one she asked for. We provided the additional document and was advised that we would receive a letter in the mail advising if the application was approved.

A month later we received a letter in the mail advising us to proceed to make an appointment at a different office for our residency card. We went online and scheduled an appointment which was three weeks later at a different office.

Campo de Mirra office

We attended the office located on Campo de Mirra with a copy of all our documentation and met with another clerk. They reviewed our documents and the letter we received from the other office.  We were then issued with another letter which required us to return again in another month to pick up our new residency cards.

We returned a month later and after having our fingerprints scanned we were able to pick up our new residency cards. We are now good for two years before going through the process again.

“adios y que tenga un grand dia”