Today we wrote our theory driver test

We have been studying and spending a lot of time preparing for the theory driver exam. In Spain, the theory exam can be in English which is both a bonus and a curse. The questions are translated from Spanish into English and sometimes the translation changes the question into a very difficult question to understand.

Shelley studying the sample exams for the driver test

We have been online practicing the sample questions that were provided by our driving school.

Yesterday we attended the driver test location which is on the outskirts of Alicante. The driving school transported us along with two other students to do the test. There were groups of people waiting to do the test at the centre. We waited outside until it was our turn.

People waiting to do the driving test

We were called in by name and sat at a bank of computers and the instructions were provided in Spanish. We managed to figure out what was being said and entered our identification into the computer only to have a Spanish test display on the screen, Yikes!!! Shelley and I both had our hand up and explain in our best Spanish, “Ayuda por favor”  we needed an English test. After a bit of confusion, they provided both of us with a paper exam. The process which is very different from Ontario; took half an hour and then we were completed. The results of the test are posted online the following day.

So this morning we logged on to the website and found out that unfortunately, we both failed the test. We are disappointed but we are determined to not let this set us back. We know how to drive and it just means completing the test again. Apparently, there is a very high percentage of people who fail the first time, so I guess we are in good company. We will hit the books for another couple of months and try the test again later. Until then we are going to enjoy the beautiful weather and travel a bit.

“Adios y que tenga un gran dia”