A unique restaurant in Budapest

When we arrived in Budapest we settled into our AirBnB and then decided to go our to get something to eat. We saw an interesting and unique Budapest restaurant called Púder Bárszínház. It was decorated in a very colourful decor and the menu had a diverse international foods. So we decided to go and check it out. The outside of the restaurant had colourful hexagon boxes and a large bear.

We went inside and were bombarded by unique quirky decorations including antique items and large statues. One of the walls of the restaurant had a large metal frog hanging above the servers station. Everywhere we looked we found unique and interesting stuff.

We sat down at our table and ordered drinks. One of the drinks was called a “Hugo Spritz” which contains, Prosecco, elderflower, mint, lime and club soda. It was quite tasty and had a unique flavour with the elderflower in it.

We ordered our meals and enjoyed looking around the restaurant at all the different items and art. Some of the walls were peeled away to the raw bricks or plaster below while other sections had murals or other paintings on them. It made for an interesting time looking at the different things.

Janice and Scott in the Púder Bárszínház restaurant

We had a great first day in Budapest and enjoyed a relaxing and unique time at the Púder Bárszínház Restaurant. It was a great way to start our adventures in Budapest.

“Szerezz örömet minden napból”