Highlights of Budapest -Part 1

We arrived in Budapest and over the next four days explored this beautiful city. We took the Hop on and Hop off bus to get a feel for the city and to see the main sites.

After staying on the bus for a while we got off to check out different areas of this amazing city. We stopped near the Hungarian Parliament building which is located on Kossuth Square in the Pest side of the city.

Hungarian Parliament Building
Janice and Ray in front of the Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest

It is a large and impressive building, which was opened in 1902 . It is the largest building in Hungary and has ornate facades. We walked around the perimeter admiring the sheer size and detail of its construction. There was security so we could not get to see the inside of the parliament building. After exploring the area we stoped to relax in the shade and enjoy the view of the parliament building.

Scott. Janice and Shelley in the courtyard of the Hungarian Parliament Building.

We then walked along the Danube river exploring the bank and sites along the way. We came to a world war two memorial .

Near the Hungarian Parliament buildings there is a memorial on the bank of the Danube River and it is a monument to the Hungarian Jews. This memorial known as “Shoes on the Danube Bank” gives remembrance to the 3,500 people, 800 of them Jews, who were shot on the edge of the Danube river during the time of the Arrow Cross terror in the winter of 1944-1945.

The 60 iron pairs of shoes on the bank of the Danube River in Budapest

The victims fell into the water and drifted down the Danube River. The sculptor created sixty pairs of period-appropriate shoes out of iron.These shoes represent the Hungarian Jews and victims who were shot on the banks of the Danube River. 

This monument really moved us. The image of the shoes which included men, women and children really hit home at the cruelty of war and that period in time. 

We took a river cruise that gave us a beautiful view of some of the major landmarks of Budapest.

On the cruise boat getting set for our cruise

The city has a different look from the water and has impressive landmarks and scenery.

Buda castle view from the Danube River.


After our river cruise we went to explore the Heroes’ Square, which is one of the main squares in Budapest. It is known for its iconic Millennium Monument with statues featuring the Seven chieftains of the Magyars and other important Hungarian national leaders.

Photo of Heroes Square in Budapest By Paul Mannix – https://www.flickr.com/photos/paulmannix/345388204/sizes/l/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5574955


Statues of several of the Magyar chieftains of Hungary

The statues are very detailed and impressive in size. 

Andrew II King of Hungary, He is known as the king that leads a crusade to the Holy Land.

The Heroes Square is known for large events, rallies and sometimes protest.

Janice at the base of a section of heroes statues in Budapest.
The Millennium Monument in the centre of Heroes Square

After exploring Heroes’ Square we decided to take a well deserved rest before heading on to our next adventure. 

“Az utazás táplálja a lelket és megvilágosítja az elmét”