Cementerio Municipal de Alicante

I was out exploring the city of Alicante when I came across the Municipal cemetery of Alicante. The main entrance was quite impressive for a cemetery and so I decided to take a walk through the cemetery and look around.  I spent over two hours walking around exploring this historic and interesting cemetery.

Entrance to the cemetery of Alicante

Inside the main entrance was an area with washrooms and a sitting area. Beyond the entrance was the main road which had flowers, benches and monuments along the way.


One of the statues along the main road in the cemetery

Along the main road of the cemetery there was smaller side roads. that branched off.  Each row contained many different grave stones, monuments and statues.

I walked each row looking at the many unique and interesting funeral plots. There were family plots that were hundreds of years old and some which contained interesting feature. Below are a few of the interesting monuments and grave stones.

One of the branches off the main road in the municipal cemetery of Alicante

Some of the grave stones were actually more of a piece of art than a grave stone. 

A family grave site with ornate and beautiful statues.

Large cross and statue overlooking a family plot.

I saw some very large mausoleums that looked more like small churches than a mausoleum. 

The cemetery was surrounded by a stone wall which also served as a columbarium wall.

Columbarium wall in the municipal cemetery of Alicante
otter wall of cemetery with Columbarium

The  cemetery is quite large and contains tradition type grave stones as well as simple burial stones. 

It was an interesting walk and makes you realize just how precious our time on earth is.  We wish everyone good health and safety throughout this pandemic. 

“Vive la vida al máximo y disfruta de cada momento como si fuera el último, porque un día lo será.”