Tag Archives: The Liverpool Band

The Liverpool Band

We went to the Santa Barbara Castle for a meal and some live entertainment. We settled into our reserved table to enjoy an outdoor full course meal. The tribute band for “The Beatles” called The Liverpool Band was slated to do a concert after our meal.

The view of the stage from our reserved seats

The atmosphere was fantastic sitting in the heart of the castle which was built in the 12th century. People were gathered at the tables enjoying the meal before the start of the concert.

People enjoying the outdoor meal in the 12th century castle of Santa Barbara

It was a beautiful evening with a full moon slowly moving over the castle walls.

View of the moon perched over the castle walls

The concert setting was small and allowed for a great view of the stage. Our seats were quite close to the stage and gave us a perfect view of the concert.

Our view of the stage from our seats.

What was really interesting about the Liverpool Band was that they were formed in Alicante in 1997 and all of the band members are Spanish.  They played for over two hours non-stop focussing on some of the top Beatle songs .

Juan Antonio Juárez: Guitarra solista y voz,
Iván Martínez Ferrández: Batería y percusión.

We have put together just a small sample of some of the music they played  at the Castle.

The Band Members are:

  • Jose Manuel Lledó Adsuar: Guitarra rítmica y voz,
  • Juan Antonio Juárez: Guitarra solista y voz,
  • Jorge Aniorte: Bajo y voz,
  • Iván Martínez Ferrández: Batería y percusión.

We enjoyed the evening and had a great time at one of the many events held in Alicante and at the Castle of Santa Barbara.

“Hasta la próxima, vive el momento y disfruta del regalo de la música.”