Tag Archives: Falleros

The awakening band

During the “Hogueras de San Juan” there are many parties and traditions. One of the traditions is called “despartà, which basically means party with no sleep.  In the barrios of Alicante the “falleros”  which are band members and singers, walk around the barrios beginning at 8 a.m. singing, playing music and setting off firecrackers. The idea is to wake everyone up and keep the party going.

I decided to go and follow one of the felleros bands and enjoy the despartà tradition. I met my friend Felipe and we went to the barrio Santa Cruz to follow the band.

The barrio of Santa Cruz has numerous stairs and narrow traditional streets.

one of the “streets” in the barrio of Santa Cruz

We walked along singing different traditional songs of the fiesta. The Felleros played their instruments and singers would stop every so often and set of loud firecrackers.  The awakening is not always welcomed by the residents of the neighbourhood. This gentlemen was sleeping on the side of the road while we played music and sang.

A partygower sleeping on the side of the road while we played music and sang

Along the way there were some beautiful views which made the walk even more enjoyable.

A view of the Santa Barbara castle along our walk with the falleros
A view of the old quarter of Alicante along our walk.

The following video is a small sample of the despartà.

We walked along with them for about a half hour before heading out for breakfast. It was a lot of  fun singing and making noise to keep the neighbours awake.

“Adios y que tengas un grand dia”