A productive and good day

Today we headed into the city centre of Alicante to try to get some information on the hook ups we need for our new apartment. We took the bus and got off in the business section of town. There is a major business section with numerous stores, shops and malls. We decided to go in to the store called “El Corte Ingles” The store is massive with 7 floors in total. They have everything you could imagine, except for  internet, cell phones and cable TV services. We took the escalator onto every level of the floor and walked around. It is quite impressive. Once we were done touring the store we headed to the mall just down the street. This mall was huge and had numerous stores. We explored this mall and found the main internet, cell phone and TV providers there. After doing some research we managed to get the services we wanted. The challenge was speaking  spanish, fortunately the clerk who served us could speak a little english, so between us we managed to achieve our goal.

Today we got a land line for the apartment, TV service, unlimited internet with fibre optics and monthly packages for our two cell phones. It was a very rewarding day because we did not think we would achieve so much in one day.

On the way back to the bus station we decided to stop in a quaint little cafe shop/bar and have a drink. We each ordered a small beer (8 ounces)  which also came with some olives as our tapa. So we had our beer ate our olives and enjoyed the day. We had two beer each and the bill was $4 euros. The day just keeps getting better and better.  That is it for today, “lo siento no hay fotos de hoy” – I’m sorry no photos today.

“Adios y que tengas un gran dias”


Busy and interesting day

Today we headed into the centre of Alicante to pick up our debit cards at the bank. Our day started by catching the bus at 8:40 and arriving at the main bus station in downtown Alicante at around 9:10. From there we walked to the bank which took about 40 minutes. It was a beautiful day and an enjoyable walk. Once at the bank we took our number and waited our turn, this took another 30 minutes or so. After we saw the finance clerk, we were provided with our debit cards and activated them at the bank ATM machine.

Market Entrance
Market Entrance

Once we had completed the banking we headed to the local centre market to look around. It is a big market 2 storeys high and has all kind of food. There are lots of butchers, meat products, bakeries and vegetables. There are also specialty shops selling clothing and other items. We walked throughout the market and saw some of the unique items such as pig heads, skins, and other items which I can’t even identify, it was quite unique.

pigs heads with skin removed



We then headed to get some groceries at the supermacado. This took us about an hour to get our groceries, load them up into our two-wheeled cart. We then walked to the main bus station about 30 minutes walk. At the bus station we waited for our bus. While we were there waiting for the bus the local police arrived about 7 of them in total. They had a drug dog who was brought through and smelled everyone and their bags. I was thinking the dog would smell our fresh chicken and then life would get very interesting but he didn’t react to our food. One police officer was there with a machine gun and was standing alone watching everyone. It was not scary but reassuring because they seem to do this on a regular basis. I took a picture of the police officers but I didn’t take any other pictures of them just to be safe. 🙂

police at bus station
Police at bus station

After the bus ride home it was around 2 p.m. it took us that long to get some groceries and do a little banking. Once we move to our new apartment located in central Alicante we will have more free time with less bus travel time.

“Adios y que tengas un gran dias”

Unique difference between Canada and Alicante Spain

While talking with friends the other day we discussed the process of garbage collection here in Alicante and how it differed from Canada. So I thought today I would share how the garbage and recycling process is done here.

Every business or apartment complex here requires the tenants to take their garbage and recycling directly to the street. There is no common area in the apartment building for garbage or recycling. The system here is quite simple and seems to work very well. On the street along with the parking spots there are garbage and recycling containers.  These garbage and recycling containers are located in groups along the street. There are groups of them in every block of the streets.

containers along street

The containers are approximately 6 feet long and 4 or 5 feet wide and 5 feet high. Each container is designed and colour coded for a specific type of item. Garbage containers are grey  has a rubber sealed lid which is opened by using the stepping bar which opens the lid. When the lid is closed there is a tight seal, keeping the odor to a minimum.

Step bar to open garbage container
Step bar to open garbage container


The recycling containers are also unique and colour coded for the type of recycling product. Glass (vidre) recycling containers are  light blue colour and designed with two openings with a rubber around the openings. I found it interesting that most of the glass are wine bottles of all shapes and sizes.

wine bottles in recycling container

Glass and garbage containers
Glass and garbage containers
Paper and plastic containers
Paper and plastic containers

The cardboard and plastic recycling bins are similar in design but are colour coded as well. Plastics are yellow and paper is blue both containers have openings at the top for people to put the items in.

We have been here for 11 days now and we have never seen the trucks empty them. I believe they work over night and empty them on a regular basis. Just one of the many difference in Alicante from what we are accustomed to.  I thought it was of interest and I hope you did too.

“Adios y que tengas un gran dias”


Spanish style lunch

Today was beautiful sunny day and we decided to go for almuerzo (lunch) at the local restaurant down the street.  The time we went was at 2:30 which is a typical time for lunch here in Alicante. The restaurant was semi full and we were seated at a table in the covered patio.  From our table we could see the mediterranean sea and the palm trees near the beach.

Our view from the table
Our view from the table

The waitress asked us in Spanish what we wanted for drinks so we ordered two beer while we decided what to order for lunch. We ordered the daily special, (it was the easiest for us to say in spanish) and seemed like a good choice. The waitress brought out two beer and one plate with a salad on it and a basket of bread. There were no other plates on our table so we shared the salad between us eating off the one plate. There was lots of fresh-baked bread in the basket and it was very tasty, there was  no butter served with it, but olive oil was on the table.

salad and bread

We were served two big plates of spaghetti with Bolognese sauce. The spaghetti was very filling and tasty, and after we were done the plate of spaghetti the waitress  replaced the empty plates with another course. Yes we actually had two main courses as the special of the day. The second course was roasted chicken for me and tuna for Shelley.  While we were eating our second main course a local artisan  came to our table and placed a bracelet on the table. The bracelet had a price tag on it of 2 euros. WE continued to eat and ignored the bracelet. The artisan returned about 10 minutes later and took the bracelet back.


When we finally finished our meal we were both very full. The waitress asked us if we wanted dessert or tea and coffee, which we declined politely. We asked for the bill and she returned with a bill for 24 euros.  All in all a great meal at a good price.

“Adios y que tengas un gran dia”

A rainy day in Alicante

Yesterday it was cool and rained for the first time since we have arrived. It was a heavy rain that lasted around 6 to 8 hours. We stayed in the apartment for most of the day. When the rain stopped we took the bus and headed into Alicante to sign the lease and pay the rent, deposit etc. for our new apartment. On the way back we stopped in El Altet for some groceries. Overall it was a fairly quiet and relaxed day.

During the rainy day, I took the opportunity to review my photos and thought I would share some of the better ones with you.  I hope you enjoy them.

Marble walkways
Marble walkways
The view from our apartment
The view from our apartment
Miles of beaches
Miles of beaches
Airport in Madrid
Airport in Madrid
Beautiful Sunset
Beautiful Sunset
Open Market day
Open Market day
Stairs to Condos
Stairs to Condos


Sidewalk up the mountain
Sidewalk up the mountain

street view

low angle view of walkway

another sunset

Main walkway in Alicante
Main walkway in Alicante

unique building

palmtrees at night

Fountain in Alicante in the evening
Fountain in Alicante in the evening

“Adios y que tengas un gran día.”

Life is too short to wait for adventure!