A walk in the hills

It was a beautiful day today so we went for a nice long walk. We headed down the road and never thought about where we were going. After about a Kilometer or so we came across a religious alter with candles burning.

religeous alter

A little further on our walk we found a hiking trail called “Glot de Galvany”. We decided to take the trail and see where we end up. We did not plan for a hike in the hills and didn’t have any water or sun screen but we went anyway.


Along the trail
Along the trail


We walked along the trail for about two hours looking at the unique fauna and the palm trees.

The trail had many different paths and we could have easily gone for the full day. We met some hikers along the way but for the most part it was quiet and serene. We came across a small pond area and there were several people looking at the ducks. They seemed to be very impressed by the ducks. I guess they don’t see many ducks around here. We just walked on by, being Canadian we have seen more than our share of ducks.


We decided to turn back and maybe come back another day, prepared and then we will make it a full day hike through the hills of Alicante.

“Adios y  que tengas un gran dias”