A tour of the Jewish ghettos in Krakow

We took a tour of the former jewish Ghetto in Krakow, which was established by the Nazis during WW2. The tour began with a walk from the main square to the Jewish quarter which took us approximately 15 minutes. We cross the Wisla River on a modern foot bridge called “Father Bernatek Footbridge” which had some unique features. It is a twin design leaf-shaped, 130 meters long structure made for pedestrians and cyclists.

Shelley and Ray in front of the Father Bernatek Footbridge in Krakow
hanging statues on the Father Bernatek Footbridge

We crossed over the bridge and then went into the former Jewish Ghetto.  There were several buildings that has remained basically untouched since WW2.

Buildings in the former Jewish Ghetto of Krakow.

We went to the Jewish synagogue which was a pivotal location in the Ghetto. Nazi’s executed Jews in front of the Synagogue on a regular basis. It is hard to imagine the atrocities that occurred here.

Jewish Synagogue where Jews were routinely Executed by the Nazi’s IN the Krakow Jewish Ghetto.

A monument was erected in the front of the Synagogue to honour the Jews murdered by the Nazi’s.

Monument in front of the Jewish Synagogue in Krakow

We then walked through the streets of the former jewish ghetto and came across another monument. This monument was erected and remembered all the victims during the German occupation in the jewish ghetto.

Monument erected in the Jewish quarter of Krakow

The plaque on the monument was very moving. The thoughts of how many Jewish people were killed and prosecuted here is truly heartbreaking. The plaque reads “Place of Meditation upon the martyrdom of 65 thousand Polish citizens of Jewish nationality from cracow and its environs killed by the nazis during world war II”

We walked along a narrow roadway and came to a small alleyway. Down the alleyway was an area which was used as a scene in the movie from “Schindler’s list”

Area in the Jewish ghetto used in the movie Schindler’s list
Scene from the movie “Schindler’s list”

We walked up a cobble stone street called ulica Szeroka and along side the street is a large brick and stone wall.

A narrow cobble street called  ulica Szeroka in the former Jewish ghetto

This wall separates the Jewish cemetery from the street. The wall is considered a “wailing wall”. During the war the cemetery was destroyed by the Nazis and apparently the tombstones were removed and used as paving stones in one of the labour camps.

The wailing wall separating the cemetery from the ulica Szeroka street

After the war the tombstones were brought back to the cemetery and some of them which were not identifiable were used in the wailing wall.

One of the tombstones used in the wailing wall in Krakow

On the same street was a bronze statue in memory of Jan Karski.

Bronze statue of Jan Karski in the Jewish quarter of Krakow.                                                                         In 1942 he was selected to perform a secret mission to prime minister Władysław Sikorski in London. Karski was to contact Sikorski as well as various other Polish politicians and inform them about Nazi atrocities in occupied Poland. In order to gather evidence, Karski was twice smuggled by Jewish underground leaders into the Warsaw Ghetto for the purpose of directly observing what was happening to Polish Jews.

We walked through the former ghetto looking at the different areas. It was hard to imagine the horror that the Jewish people endured there. We eventually came to the ghetto heroes square. In the square are 33 memorial chairs. Each chair is made of cast iron and bronze.

Bronze chairs mounted throughout the area.

Each bronze chair represents 2000 murdered Jewish people from Krakow and the area.


Ray and Shelley in the ghetto heroes square.

We spend the afternoon walking through the former ghetto. It was an interesting and emotional time. We enjoyed the tour and learning the history of the Polish people.

“Do widzenia i dobry dzień”

Krakow Poland

We went to Poland to visit the city of Krakow with friends. We walked through the old quarter of the city admiring the architecture and buildings.

There is a large medieval main square in the central of the old quarter. It contains several unique buildings and several statues and monuments. The square is very large and covers nearly 10 acres. It dates back to the 13th century and is one of the largest in Europe. In the centre of the square is the cloth hall, which was built-in the renaissance period in 1555.

Cloth Hall in Krakow Main square

Vendors stalls are located inside the cloth hall. We walked through and checked the different vendors.

Many vendors were selling amber jewelery, which is common in Poland.

On one side of the main square is the beautiful Town Hall Tower.

Town Hall Tower in the main square in Krakow

On the other side of the square are the monument of Adam Mickiewicz made in 1898 and St. Mary’s Basilica.

Monument of Adam Mickiewicz made in 1898
Shelley and Ray in the main square of Krakow
St Mary’s Basilica with twin towers.

In the main square on this particular weekend there was a traditional Polish food and crafts event. We walked through the different stalls admiring the crafts and enjoying the smells of the market. We even stopped to enjoy a Polish sausage.

Shelley in front of some of the local craft stalls

All along the outside area of the main square are different restaurants. We stopped to relax and enjoy the scenery and bustling square with a beverage. There was even a pride parade going by while we were there.

Pride parade in the main square of Krakow

In the evening the square is lite up with beautiful lights and has a different feel. There are horse-drawn carriages that are decorated with ornate features and lights.

Main Square in Krakow in the evening
One of the horse-drawn carriages ornate with design and lights

The Medieval main square in Krakow is an amazing feature of the old town. It is bustling with people and activities, with bras and restaurants surrounding it. It was a very enjoyable spot and one we visited many times over our stay in Krakow.

“Do widzenia i dobry dzień”

A trip to Canada

We took a two-week trip to Canada to visit family and friends. We arrived at the Ottawa airport on the new 737-800 Next Generation without any issues. We were met by our friend Jim, who picked us up at the airport. On the way to Pembroke we stopped at Costco to pick up a few things. Shelley is a big fan of the store and enjoyed the opportunity to “visit” Costco.

Shelley in front of the Costco Store in Ottawa

After visiting Costco, we headed to Pembroke and arrived without any issues. Visiting family and friends is always enjoyable and warms the heart. We spent our two weeks trying to see everyone possible and to spent valuable time with each of them.

Ray and his dad on a walking trail

We even went to an iconic restaurant “Wilno Tavern. ” We enjoyed a great polish meal and spent time with some of our friends.

Shelley, Anne, Jim and Ray infront of the Wilno Tavern

The two weeks went very fast and before we knew it we were heading back to Alicante. The trip takes almost 24 hours and is very tiring. Arriving back home we were able to rest a bit before our next adventure.

“Have a good day eh!”


Food trucks in Alicante

There was a “Street Food Market” event here on the weekend in Alicante. We decided to head down on Sunday and check it out. It was being held in the Plaza Seneca.

Shelley at the Plaza Seneca in Alicante

We walked down to the plaza and were surprised to see rows of different types of food trucks and a beer pavilion with picnic tables.

Some of the food trucks in Plaza Seneca

We walked through the rows of food trucks checking them out before deciding what to have for our meal. It was a difficult decision because of the many options available and the great smells coming from different trucks.

Different food trucks in Plaza Seneca.

Ray found a food truck that was selling pulled pork and he decided to have a pulled pork sandwich.

Pulled pork signs at one of the food trucks
Ray ordering his pulled pork sandwich

Shelley decided to try a different food truck and ordered a veggie burger.  We picked up our food and went to the picnic table to enjoy it.

Shelley with her veggie burger.

We enjoyed our food truck meal and had a great Sunday in the Plaza Seneca in Alicante.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dia”

Enrique Mendoza Wine day

Enrique Mendoza winery is considered one of the better wines in the Alicante Region. Each year they have a weekend where you can buy a ticket and tour the inner sanctum of the winery. We decided to go with some friends and take part in the event. We bought out tickets which were expensive and limited to 250 per day and set out for a day of wine adventure.

Enrique Mendoza Wine ticket
Tram Station at 6:30am

The day began early because of the distance we needed to travel using the transit systems. We were at the Tram station at 6:30 am waiting for the tram.

The Tram to Benidrom

We took the tram to Benidorm where we disembarked and then took a train to the town of Alfàs Del Pi. This small town is located at the foot of the Serra Gelada mountain. We began our walk up the mountain to the winery.

Walking along the sidewalk in the town of Alfàs Del Pi

We continued walking our way up the mountain towards the winery. The views and scenery were beautiful so we stopped to take a selfie and enjoy the moment.

Shelley and Ray on the way up to the Enrique Mendoza Winery

We continued up the mountain and finally came to the winery.

Reaching the Enrique Mendoza winery
Lineup for entrance to the winery

The main entrance was lined up with people getting into the winery. We joined the queue and waited our turn to enter the winery. Once we entered the winery we explored the grounds for a while.

Wine barrels set up for people to use as tables.
Sampling area for different wines of Enrique Mendoza

We decided to go and take part is some of the wine education sessions.

One of the wine cellar in Enrique Mendoza Winery
Ray and Pepe Mendoza-winemaker
Samples of wine being served in the wine class

We learned about the different aspects of wine making and the different grapes, soil, temperature etc. There was even an area set up to smell the different aromas of wine. 

Aroma sampling containers for the smells of different wines.
Shelley trying the different aromas of wine

After the wine class, we decided to take a break and enjoy a glass of wine and a cheese tray.

Christine, Sonja and Shelley enjoying some snacks and wine.

We enjoyed the food and wine throughout the day. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time with our friends.

Marcelo, Ray, Shelley, Sonja, Paco, Christine at the Enrique Mendoza

After sampling different wines and enjoying some food we headed back home. It was a long day but a very enjoyable time.

“Adios y que tenga un gran dia”

Life is too short to wait for adventure!