A visit to Santa Pola

Today we decided to go to Santa Pola which is a town about 15 kilometres  away from us. We took the bus and arrived around 11:30 am. We walked around the town and wanted to take in a few of the museums. We went to the Castillo Fortaleza museum with the plan or touring the castle and then heading to the salt museum. We arrived at around 1:15 pm and the  museum was closed until 4 pm. In Spain they have siestas in the afternoon and most places close except for some of the bars. So we were only able to see the main entrance and courtyard for the castle.


After the castle we stopped and had a beverage and some tapas at a local outdoor patio. After our tapas and drink we took a walk to the “Parquet Palmeral” a park which has beautiful palm trees. The park has assorted palm trees throughout with walking paths.

palm trees


palm trees1 We enjoyed the walk in the park and came across an archaeological ruin. These roman ruins were fenced off and preserved for viewing. The ruins were from a noble roman villa build in the IV century AD. There was 7 rooms and had decorated geometrical mosaic tiles on the floor. We found it quite interesting.

roman ruins

roman ruins1

We learned a valuable lesson today. We need to plan our day trips keeping in mind the Spain hours. The siesta time is followed here and most stores and facilities are closed from about 1pm to 4 or 5 pm during the week. Although we didn’t get to see any museums today we did have a good day in Santa Pola.

“Adios Y que tengas un gran dias”