A walk along the river in Cuenca

We took a walk down the old streets in Cuenca and found ourselves along a pathway which brought us down towards a river.

Pathway downwards toward the river

The path brought us to the river’s edge where a trail followed the riverbank throughout the city. We took the path and enjoyed a nice walk along the Júcar and Huécar rivers.

Path along the river in Cuenca, Spain

We headed down the trail and admired the different views. Stopping along the way to take photos and enjoy the moment.

Louise taking a moment to take a photo and enjoy the view
Trail along the river edge in Cuenca, Spain
Buildings along the edge of the cliffs of Cuenca

As we walked along the path we came across some of the buildings perched precariously on the cliffs. It is amazing that these buildings have withstood the test of time.

Building on the edge of the cliff in Cuenca
View of building on edge of cliff from the river bank in Cuenca
Shelley, Louise, and Brad on the path in Cuenca Spain

We walked approximately 3 hours all along the walkway. We saw some beautiful scenery and amazing buildings perched precariously on the cliffs of Cuenca.

View along the walkway in Cuenca
Buildings on the edge of the cliffs in Cuenca

We came across some buildings which had sewer pipes exposed down the side of the cliffs which connected with the main sewer system.

sewer plumbing exposed on the outside of the cliffs of Cuenca

Along the way, we enjoyed the sights and sounds which almost made you forget that you were in the heart of the City of Cuenca.

View along the walkway in Cuenca

The walk along the pathway was very enjoyable, the sights and sounds were amazing and we had a wonderful time.

“adios y que tenga un gran dia”