Spanish style lunch

Today was beautiful sunny day and we decided to go for almuerzo (lunch) at the local restaurant down the street.  The time we went was at 2:30 which is a typical time for lunch here in Alicante. The restaurant was semi full and we were seated at a table in the covered patio.  From our table we could see the mediterranean sea and the palm trees near the beach.

Our view from the table
Our view from the table

The waitress asked us in Spanish what we wanted for drinks so we ordered two beer while we decided what to order for lunch. We ordered the daily special, (it was the easiest for us to say in spanish) and seemed like a good choice. The waitress brought out two beer and one plate with a salad on it and a basket of bread. There were no other plates on our table so we shared the salad between us eating off the one plate. There was lots of fresh-baked bread in the basket and it was very tasty, there was  no butter served with it, but olive oil was on the table.

salad and bread

We were served two big plates of spaghetti with Bolognese sauce. The spaghetti was very filling and tasty, and after we were done the plate of spaghetti the waitress  replaced the empty plates with another course. Yes we actually had two main courses as the special of the day. The second course was roasted chicken for me and tuna for Shelley.  While we were eating our second main course a local artisan  came to our table and placed a bracelet on the table. The bracelet had a price tag on it of 2 euros. WE continued to eat and ignored the bracelet. The artisan returned about 10 minutes later and took the bracelet back.


When we finally finished our meal we were both very full. The waitress asked us if we wanted dessert or tea and coffee, which we declined politely. We asked for the bill and she returned with a bill for 24 euros.  All in all a great meal at a good price.

“Adios y que tengas un gran dia”