The creating of a large foguera

We are getting close to the big day when all of the Fogueras are assembled and put on display throughout the city. They officially start on Monday, June 11th  to assemble the fogueras. In total there at 89 different fogueras in the City, each one is placed in a public area in different parts of the city. One major foguera is assembled at city hall and they start putting it together early because of its size.  We went down to city hall to check it out.

start of assembly of foguera at city hall Alicante

The foguera is displayed in almost the entire square at city hall. They have a crane set up to assist in lifting the large pieces into position.

Crane lifting a section of the foguera into position

The foguera is assembled on site using pre-made sections. The sections are fairly large and are brought by truck to the site.

Pieces of the foguera pre-made and ready for assembly

We watched as a group of men began to raise and assemble a wing onto the foguera.

men assembling the wing section onto the foguera using a crane

Some of the sections were very ornate and detailed. Other sections were simply wood pieces with no finish on them.  One section was a woman’s face and was very beautiful.

Foguera at city hall being assembled

We walked around the site and watched for a while how it was being assembled. It certainly will be interesting to see it finished.

Ray at City hall foguera site

What is interesting and something that Ray is particularly interested in is the burning of the Fogueras. Once they have been assembled and viewed they are burnt in their current locations. This large foguera will present quite a challenge for firefighters to control the heat when it is set ablaze.

“Adios y que tenga un gran dia”