Central market

When we were in Valencia we went to the central Market. It is a beautiful large building located in the heart of Valencia. The exterior of the building has ornate glass and tile finishes.

Valencia Central Market

We went into the Market and checked it out.  The inside of the market is massive, with 8000 square meters of space. There are long rows of vendors selling every conceivable food products. The market is busy with lots of people roaming the market.


We walked through the long rows of vendors. The atmosphere and noise were quite unique. There were also very distinct odors as we explored the market.

Some of the market items of fish for sale
There were unique smells in the market
There was every type of ocean creatures for sale

All the rows of vendors end in a central area of the market. In the center is a statue of Mary surrounded by flowers.

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Center of market with statue of Mary surrounded by flowers

Above the statue of Mary is a domed ceiling which directs light to the statue. It is a focal point of the market and people come to take pictures or even to pray.

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Ceiling above the statue of Mary at center of building allowing light into the market

The market in Valencia is buzzing with people and has a unique atmosphere. We are glad that we took the time to visit it.

“adios y que tenga un gran dia”