The City of Córdoba

Our first stop on our bus trip was the city of Córdoba. There is a long rich history that dates back to the Roman Empire. Córdoba was an important city under the Roman Empire in 27 BC to 14 AD. (Yes the city is that old), it was the capital of the province of Baetica and the largest city in the Iberian Peninsula and birthplace of the Roman statesman and philosopher Seneca.

After the Roman Empire Córdoba was also an Islamic city from 756 to 1031, and was the capital of al-Andalus. The Islamic time period is when the Great Mosque was built. Córdoba continued to grow throughout the years and became a very important city and by the 10th century was the largest and greatest city in Europe. Apparently the population was around 700,000 at the peak of Córdoba’s glory.

We saw some of the amazing historical sites. Below is the remains of a Roman wall located near the Roman bridge that was preserved after all these years.

Original wall from the Roman era.

We walked through the old quarter of Córdoba which was originally known as the jewish quarter and is referred to as “La Judea”. There was some amazing sights and unique buildings and structures. The narrow cobblestone streets intertwined into a maze of small streets that would sometimes open up into a small square.

Street in Córdoba
Narrow street in Jewish quarter in Córdoba
Street lined with shops in Córdoba
Walking in the narrow streets of Córdoba

In the old quarter it was easy to see the Muslim influence in the architecture and buildings. The cobble stoned streets are narrow and full of people shopping and sight-seeing.

Old quarter of Córdoba
Muslim architecture in old quarter of Córdoba

In the square there is an Arc the Triomphe which dominates the square. You are able to go to the top of the Arc and see the beautiful views.

Arc de Triomphe in Córdoba

We went to the top of the Arc de Triomphe and we were in awe at the beautiful views and scenery.

View of old quarter from the top of the Arc de Triomphe in Córdoba
View of ancient Roman bridge from atop of the Arc de Triophe in Córdoba

Another amazing structure was the Roman bridge of Córdoba.  It was built-in the early 1st century BC across the Guadalquivir river.  We walked across the bridge and admired the beauty of the structure as well as the beauty of the surrounding scenery.

Roman Bridge in Córdoba seen from a distance
Roman bridge in Córdoba
Ray standing near the Roman Bridge in Córdoba
The view from the Roman Bridge looking towards the old quarter of Córdoba
One of the monuments erected on the Roman bridge
View of the pillars of the Roman bridge in Córdoba

There is the Calahorra Fort, which was built-in 1338 and is located near the Roman bridge. It was built there with the intent to guard the Roman bridge because of its strategic importance.

View of the Calahorra Fort from the Roman Bridge in Córdoba

We walked to the Mosque Cathedral of Córdoba. It is a very large building and has walls that surround the courtyard.

Shelley standing near the wall of the Mosque Cathedral of Córdoba

It is such a spectacular building  that we will do a separate post on the Mosque Cathedral of Córdoba.

The city of Córdoba is beautiful with ancient ruins, Roman structures and historically rich culture and architecture. We are very glad we went to this great city.

“Adios y que tenga un grand días”

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