2020 the year the world changed

2020 began like any other year, we took an amazing trip to Egypt in January exploring some of the amazing historic sites.

Ray and Shelley in Egypt

We had heard about the Coronavirus which was in China but it had not knowingly gone past its borders at this point. We arrived back home near the end of January after our trip abroad. We rested and watched the news with the rest of the world as the virus spread beyond borders. The world began to change as governments reacted to the coronavirus threat. People began to panic buy and toilet paper became the new commodity.  Shelves in the grocery stores of Alicante were bare for a few days from panic buying.

Meat shelf in a grocery store in Alicante
Toilet paper isle in Alicante grocery store

Here in Europe, Italy became the  epicentre of the virus and thousands of people became infected and died.  On March 14th  the Spanish government declared a national state of emergency and ordered a national lockdown. Everyone was ordered to stay in their homes for two weeks with limited exceptions to leave the home. The two week lockdown was extended numerous times keeping us in lockdown for an extended period of 48 days.

We watched the news in disbelief at what was quickly crossing the world and forcing countries into isolation and lockdowns. The streets of Alicante became empty and major festivals and events  including the Holy week were cancelled. Our planned trips abroad were all cancelled and we stayed in lockdown. The city of Alicante changed, the streets were empty, bars and shops closed.

Main walkway along the front of Postiguet Beach. Normally packed with tourist.
One of the main streets in Alicante. Normally full of traffic.


Main tourist walkway in the core of Alicante. Normally full of tourist.

When people were able to go outside for a walk, they were mandated to wear a mask. We began by making our own mask using some directions from a Youtube video.

Shelley making our mask and getting ready for our first walk outside.

We took our first walk outside of the apartment on May 9th, nearly 2 months after the lockdown began.

Getting ready to go outside for a walk in nearly 2 months. Ray wearing a homemade mask made from one of his t-shirts.

We wore our mask and watched as people would cross the street to avoid being to close to someone. We could sense the fear and sadness of people walking the streets. It was truly a sad time but also an uplifting feeling of being outside at the same time.

The stores, bars and markets were beginning to reopen with some major restrictions. Our local market was partially opened but it felt surreal watching all the people wearing mask worried about catching the Covid19 virus.

Market partially opened in our barrio, everyone mandated wearing mask and social distancing as much as possible.

It was a strange watching the news and seeing the way the world was changing.

We were using social media to connect with the world and family as the virus spread. Images on social media of major tourist attractions and cities that were empty. Cartoons and other media was used to express the fear or frustration of the events happening with the virus.

Image from Facebook by Paco Roca Chorques a local artist in Alicante

The world environment itself was changing and beginning to heal. CO2 levels were down 17%, animals migration changed and the ozone layer was healing. The world was changing and we could see history unfolding before us.

By July the city of Alicante was somewhat back to the “New Normal” shops and restaurants were starting to open. The outdoor markets were now open but with major changes to the way business was conducted. The people were mandated to wear mask, use hand sanitizer and to social distance as much as possible. Signs, floor markings and plastic tape etc was used to ensure people followed the guidelines.

Tape on the floor in front of stores that states basically “when you value the future, buy local, wear a mask and social distance”

Police were visible ensuring people followed the new rules. It was with a sense of apprehension that we were out shopping and doing our regular activities.

At the end of August we headed back to Canada under major duress because of a death in our immediate family. The flight and travel was uniquely different with airports empty, security taking temperatures and planes half empty of passengers.

Airport nearly empty as we travelled back to Canada.

We arrived in Canada and were mandated into a two week quarantine. During the quarantine we were contacted by the Canadian government several times ensuring that we were ok and remaining in quarantine. A second family member passed away while we were in Canada. Both of these deaths were not related to the Covid19. We stayed in Canada until early November before heading back to Spain.  Our flight back was surreal with a plane that was nearly empty of passengers. Arriving back home to Alicante safe and sound we are happy to be home but sad to be far away from family.

The holidays are soon upon us and the end of 2020 is almost here. Like most people we are looking forward to an end to this year with the hopes of a better year to come.

(Video from John Oliver show)

Hopefully the end of this year will bring a new beginning of a healthier, normal year. With the hope of a vaccine coming over the next 6 months or so it is our hope that travel and life will come back to a sense of normal. We wish everyone a very safe Merry Christmas and a happy healthy New Year.

“Te deseamos salud, felicidad y el mejor Año Nuevo posible.”