Egyptian Museum of Cairo

The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, known commonly as the Egyptian Museum or Museum of Cairo, in Cairo, Egypt, is home to an extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities.

The Egyptian Museum or Museum of Cairo,

We bought our ticket which cost 200 Egyptian Pounds, that is equal to about 15 Canadian dollars.

The inside of the museum was massive with long corridors full of exhibits.

Our Guide Aladino explaining one of the exhibits in the museum.

We began to explore the museum with our guide, who took us to the more key exhibits in the museum.

One of the many corridors in the Cairo museum

The Cairo museum has 120,000 items, with only a fraction of them on display, the remainder are in storerooms. The Cairo museum is the largest museum in the region.

A corridor leading to another section of the museum.

We explored the museum for approximately four hours, looking at some of the different exhibits. We were able to actually reach out and touch some of the exhibits while others were protected by a glass case.

Shelley touching a 4000 year old coffin in the Cairo Museum
Ray touching one of the Anthropoid coffins

Some Anthropoid coffins on display in the museum.

Shelley demonstrating the depth of the exhibit in the Cairo MuseumWe explored a section which contained mummified remains from one of the tombs found in the region.

The 4000 year old mummy still had remnants of hair and teeth. It was an eerie but interesting exhibit.

Shelley and Ray in front of part of the Tutankhamun’s exhibit

There were so many things to see. Below are just a few of the amazing exhibits in the Cairo museum.

We really enjoyed walking through the museum and seeing the exhibits which were truly amazing. It is hard to believe that some of the exhibits were over 5000 years old and some of the first artifacts found in the pyramids.

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