“Los Pajes Negros” in Alcoy

We went to the city of Alcoy for a visit. It was a few weeks before Christmas and the city was adorned with decorations.

Plaza in Alcoy, Spain

What we found strange was the decorations of “Los Pajes Negros” which translates to (The Black Pages) on the balconies throughout the city.

We researched this tradition and it dates back 133 years and is part of one of the oldest parades in Spain. The parade consists of around 2,000 people with approximately 300 people dressed as a black pages. The parade begins with the three Wise Men entering the city riding camels. There are musicians, torchbearers and black pages in the parade. The pages, use ladders to climb onto the balconies and give presents to the children.

Alcoy’s black Christmas ‘pajes’ (pages) prepare to deliver presents. EFE (photo from El Pais)

This tradition has been controversial and is considered racist by many. We have not seen the parade, but the idea of white people dressing up to represent black pages certainly seems racist.

“adios y tengas un grand dia”