Less than 3 weeks before we move to Pembroke

It is less than 3 weeks before we move from our Kingston residence back to our home town of Pembroke before heading to Spain.  Our friends in Kingston and area have been meeting with us and wanting to spend time before we head out. We find ourselves meeting with  our friends, enjoying our limited time together. This is both a happy and sad time for us. It is always  sad when you are saying good-bye and not sure how long before you may see them again.

The fermented Friday group of friends we have, took us out for a going away dinner at the Sakura Japanese Restaurant. It was very heartfelt with lots of laughs. We had lots of fun. We have been deeply moved by the show of support and caring by everyone. The offer of use of their vehicles, help with furniture and overall willingness to help us with anything has been very humbling.

Sakura Japanese Restaurant


