Basilica of Santa Maria Church

We went to the Santa Maria Church located in the old quarter of Alicante. The church is the oldest active church in Alicante and was built between the 14th and 16th century. Apparently the church was built on top of the remains of a mosque.

From the outside the main features are the tower, the blue tiled dome and the entrance way which has massive doors and archway.

View of the Basilica Santa Maria from the alleyway
Main entrance to the Basilica Santa Maria

The church walls are approximately 2 feet think and are solid stone. There are no windows visible on the church and apparently the church was used as a place of refuge when the city was under attack. The exterior writings on the church are remnants of ancient notices which apparently were written on the church for people to see.

Inside the  main doors of the church the space opens up into a vast high domed open area.

Centre dome of the church with a glass opening in the centre allowing for lots of light into the church
Inside the Basilica of Santa Maria
Inside the Basilica of Santa Maria

There is an organ situated high on the wall overlooking the church pews.

Church organ on second level of church

Sunlight shines through the high windows and through the top of the  dome brightly lighting up the church interior. There are several alcoves within the church that have ornate statues.

statue of Jesus
Angel in alcove at Basilica Santa Maria
Jesus carrying the cross statue in one of the alcoves


The back drop to the church altar is a very ornate and beautifully painted with religious scenes, along with several golden statues.

Ornate back drop to the altar in the church

The church is very impressive with a humble outside appearance but with a very detailed and ornate inside. We are definitely glad we took the time to visit this church.

“Adios y que tenga un grand días”