A true Spanish meal

Ray and Felipe went to a small traditional Spanish restaurant called “To Bar”. The restaurant is in an old house which was transformed into a restaurant.

The owner “Geroni”, who knew Felipe, met us at the door and welcomed us into the restaurant. We sat down at the table and ordered the meal of the day. There was a loaf of bread on the table as well as a “Spanish Porron” with red wine.

A traditional Spanish Wine decanter called a “Porron”
Ray ready to enjoy the meal of the day
Felipe ready for the meal of the day

They began bringing out different tapas to our table.

Salad with bread slivers
Pineapple with a sweet sauce and octapuss
Pastry base with fish and greens

They also brought us a unique tapa which was in a bowl and had a herb burning in the sauce.

Tapa with burning herbs in sauce

This tapa was extremely tasty and the sauce was very good. The owner then brought us the main course which was a seafood mix.

Sea food main dish
Chocolate mouse dessert

After enjoying the meal the owner came and chatted with us for a while. He brought us a complimentary after dinner Spanish traditional drink.

After dinner Spanish drink

We paid our bill which was very inexpensive for the quality and quantity of food we had. It was a fantastic meal and a great experience.

“Adios y que tenga un gran dia”

2 thoughts on “A true Spanish meal”

  1. Ray, you have embraced the Spanish lifestyle! The food looks fantastic, seafood is so fresh in Alicante.

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