museo Arqueológico provincial de Alicante

Yesterday we went to the “museo the Argueologico” in Alicante. The museum has received awards for its content and presentation. The building is impressive with a grand entrance area.

Entrance to the museum of Archeology in Alicante

In the museum there are 10 wings which have selected displays within each wing. We went through each wing taking our time to view the amazing and detailed exhibits on display. There was a prehistoric period with hunters and food gatherers on display. There was a display of tools that were some 16,000 years old. Hard to imagine these tools still being in existence today.

ancient hunting tools

There was a wing dedicated to the Iberians territory. This territory was in the Alicante region. The Iberian culture was known for its agricultural abilities but also for its fine ceramic art work.


In the centre of the Iberian wing there is a statue of the Lady of Cabezon Lucero.


There were also some beautiful religious artifacts on display.

Artwork of religious stages of the cross
ancient scriptures
religious artifacts

There was a display of the Roman artifacts and culture from the second and third century BC. This was very interesting because they were from the Alicante area known as “Lucerna”. There were painted tiles and roman coins and a large section of pottery.


Other areas of the museum had displays on archaeology and how they  went about locating the artifacts. There were excavations that were done in caves, churches, castles and even underwater. A lot of research and work went into the discoveries and items on display. It was truly amazing how they managed to preserve and exhibit the artifacts over time here in the museum. One of the many things we enjoyed was the Roman ruins, walls and stone writings which were displayed.

Stone tablet with writings inscribed in it.
Roman statue

The exhibits were very well done and we enjoyed taking our time and reading about the history of this particular area. It has given us some insight into why certain areas of Alicante have specific names. For example the area of “Luceros” in Alicante is where the Roman town of Lucerne was located back in the 3rd century. There is a long and rich history here in Alicante.

“Adios y que tenga un grand días”