Moving Forward

Well today marks the start of the next phase to our adventure. We have given our notice and will be officially leaving our residence by the end of December 2015. We have not heard from the Spanish consulate yet and ideally we would have preferred to wait until the visa was confirmed prior to giving our notice. However timing is everything and in order to give sufficient notice to the landlord we needed to give our notice now, so  we decided to take the chance. I guess time will tell as to how this will turn out.

We have begun the task of sorting what items we are selling and what items we will give to family, friends or donate. We separated our stuff into three categories, Sentimental, Functional and decorative/other stuff. This is not as hard as you may think. Once we started to let go of our attachment to our possessions the better we actually felt. It is somewhat enlightening and freeing to rid ourselves of all the “stuff” it is amazing just how much “stuff” we accumulate over time. We have begun to pack and sell our belongings,  this will help us move to the next stage of the adventure.