Category Archives: Spain

Palm Sunday in Alicante

Palm Sunday in a major event here in Alicante. A few weeks before Palm Sunday, the open markets are selling palms for the upcoming event. There are  numerous vendors selling unique palms that are handcrafted with some very detailed and beautiful designs.

palms for sale at market
Palms being sold at Open market

We bought two palms from the market in preparation for the procession that was on Sunday.

shelley with palm
Shelley displaying her decorative Palm
Ornate palm

In Alicante Easter parades begin on Palm Sunday and continue daily until Easter Sunday. This is known as Holy Week and every day during that week there are  procession parades that take place.  They have different starting locations within the city and most pass through the main Avenue Rambia de Mendez Nunez.  We headed out to watch  one of the main processions which started at 11:30 am. There was a very large crowd of people gathered to watch the start of the procession. People in the procession carry large palms and the walk is very slow and deliberate with a live band playing music.

crowds follow procession
Crowds gathered to watch procession

The procession starts with a single person at the from leading the process. They carry a symbol representing the procession.

The beginning of the procession on Palm Sunday
Person leading the procession carrying a flag.

There is music and a band playing a slow drum beat as the procession moves slowly forward.

Procession band playing music

There are hundreds of people who follow along in the procession carrying their palms. At the end of the procession is a single parade float with a religious representation on it.

Float at the end of the procession

The images above were from the first procession we saw. The second procession we saw was quite different. There were ladies dressed in black as if in mourning leading the procession.

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Dressed in black and leading the procession on Palm Sunday


There were people wearing blue and white cloaks and white hoods and they looked a little like the KKK. I have no idea what the hoods represent but it was a bit eerie to see. For us the white hood is a symbol of the KKK and represents evil and intolerance.

Palm Sunday procession in Alicante

At the end of this procession there was also a float. This float was surrounded by people in white cloaks and hoods.

palm sunday with hoods
Float in Procession on Palm Sunday

The processions last about 2 1/2 hours each and then there are other processions that start at 6pm and run into the evening. We stayed downtown after the processions and enjoyed the rest of the day. We took a walk out on the pier looking at the sea and then stopped for a relaxing drink.

having a beer
Ray with the Santa Barbara Castle in background

Overall it was a very good day.

“Adios y que tenga un grand días”

Tapa restaurant

The other day we went to a restaurant called “Katagorri” it is a tapa restaurant. The restaurant is quite popular and there were good comments on the trip advisor. So we decided to check it out.

Restaurante Katagorri

Normally when you go to a bar you usually get a free small tapa when you buy a drink.  This place was different because you paid for the tapas. You would  order a tapa from the numerous choices displayed in front of you on the bar.  Each tapa display had a specific coloured dot.

Tapas on display

Each coloured dot represented the cost of that particular tapa. On the wall was the listed price for each coloured dot.

prices of tapas
Tapa price list

There was great assortment of tapas from squid, octopus and other sea type creatures to the more traditional hamburg, pork ,chicken and fish. We decided to be somewhat safe this time and ordered some very tasty pork burgers, a bread and cheese with spices and a few other traditional ones. They were very tasty and filling. That “snack” turned into our main meal of the day.

Ray done his tapas

Of course you really shouldn’t have tapas without some wine or beer. There was a great selection of wine and so we ordered a nice glass of red wine and enjoyed the tapas. The wine was more expensive than other restaurants and cost $2.65 for a 9 ounce glass.

Some of the wine selections

The restaurant had a great atmosphere and we had a great tapa “meal” overall it was a very pleasant experience.

“Adios y que tenga un grand días”

The Art Exhibit at the Santa Barbara Castle

We attended the art exhibit when we were at the Santa Barbara Castle. The exhibit was titled “The fortress of the ring” and focused on the Author JRR Tolkien and his books  “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”. The exhibition was displayed inside of three castle rooms and contained an array of interesting and unique features. There were  life-size figures on displayed along with costumes from the movie.

Full size figures from the movie “Hobbit” and “The Lord of the ring”
costumes from the movie
Costume from the movie
full size figure
Full size figure from movie

There was a room which contained an amazing collection of miniatures. the miniatures were so detailed and exact that it was hard to tell they were not real.

Miniature castle with “giant” Ray
Miniature Castle with great detail


Miniature dragon and wizard

There was also a collection of weapons and clothing, lithographs and original drawings from the comic illustrator. We walked through the rooms and enjoyed the unique displays. Our favourite display was the full size “Ent” which is a tree like creature in the fables. Notice the two little elves on its shoulders.

living tree
ENT tree like creature
me with living tree
Me and the Ent

It was an interesting and enjoyable exhibit.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dias”


Visit to the Castillo de Santa Barbara on the Mount of Benacantil

Today we started our day by heading to the Santa Barbara Castle in Alicante. The medieval castle is a historic landmark and was built on the top of Mount Benacantil.  To reach the castle we walked up the steep slopes and walkways until we reached the top. It was quite a climb and we took our time and stopped along the way to enjoy some of the beautiful views of the city. It took us about an hour to reach the top.

beach with castle in background
View of the Santa Barbara castle from beach in Alicante
The start of the walk up to the castle of Santa Barbara
View of the Castle walls
Ray walking the steep walkway to the Santa Barbara Castle


Trail towards the top of the castle
Steep incline near the top of the mount of Benacantil

When we got to the top the castle and views were spectacular.  The Castle is approximately 166 metres above sea level and overlooks the City of Alicante and the Bay of Alicante.  There have been archaeological remains found from the roman to bronze age. Some of the artifacts are on display in the castle.  One of the artifacts is pictured below, a vase from the 1st to 3rd century AD.

pot from roman times 1st century
Roman vase 1st to 3rd century AD

The Castle itself is very impressive, with architectural features, thick stone walls and massive arched bridges. The outside space of the castle is large and there are many structures and a protective wall around the whole castle.

Arches in castle outdoor yard area


arched bridge
One of the arched bridges in the castle yard
bridge arch
Bridge overhead in castle yard

On the upper level of the castle yard there are watch posts that were used to guard the city. The views were stunning from there. You can see for kilometers and over the entire city.

look out post on top level of castle
Watch post on upper level of castle
looking through cannon window slot
View through Cannon slot

There were several iron figures throughout the castle yard highlighting key lookout points.

Guard with spear
Metal statues in battle
Archer guarding the castle
Archer overlooking the Castle
Archers view from guard post
Upper level of Castle with guard post
One of the views of city of Alicante from Castle
A view of city of Alicante
view of city
Another view of the city of Alicante

The inside of the castle was also very impressive. There are  multiple rooms, some are very large with massive stone pillars. Other castle rooms where smaller and contained displays about the history of the castle.

Interpretation of the Santa Faz by artist Jose Maria Moran Burritti (Santa Faz Alicante is a Catholic relic of the Santa Faz venerated in the monastery of Santa Faz of the city of Alicante)
Santa Faz representation
Stone floors of castle
Big room in Castle
Entrance to hallway to tunnel in mountain to elevator
Shelley in distance taking photo
One of the many arched entrances into a room in castle
Shelley in arched hallway in castle

There was also an art exhibit on display highlighting JR Tolkien and the of literature “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” We explored the art exhibit and enjoyed it. We will do a separate blog on the art exhibit. Overall we had a very good day and enjoyed the castle. We had a pedometer with us and we walked over 10 kilometres today. We were very tired and glad to get home after the day.

“adios y que tenga un grand dias”



City Hall of Alicante

Today we decided to visit the “Ayuntamiento” which means town hall in spanish.  The building is very impressive and is in a  baroque architecture style. Apparently it was  designed by architect Lorenzo Chápuli ( hey maybe he could have been a long-lost relative!) The site was built on the same site as the former city hall in the 18th century.

City hall of Alicante Spain
The older section of city hall of Alicante Spain the new addition is slightly visible on right of photo

There are some very unique and interesting features of the building. The building is basically divided into two parts, the original section and a modern addition to accommodate the growing needs of administration.

Modern section of city hall attached to original building.

It is notable that security has been incorporated into the open concept allowing tourist to view the unique features of the building while maintaining security.

On the outside of the building there are barley-sugar columns at the doorways. The main entrance of the building has huge doors over 10 feet high that open into a larger reception area.

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massive entrance doorways to city hall

The entrance area has a substantial presence with a sculpture in the open stairwell of Saint John created by Salvador Dali which is very impressive.

Salvador Dali sculpture in staircase
View of Salvador Dali sculpture from top of staircase
salvador dali sculter
Salvador Dali sculpture

Beside the sculpture in the open staircase there is a plaque on the first step of the staircase. It signifies the exact sea level used to define altitude above sea level. This measurement is used for all of Spain to define sea level.  Scientist discovered that the difference between high and low tide was less on the Alicante coastline. They selected the first step of Alicante city hall as the official seal level designation for all of Spain.

Official Sea level measurement for Spain
Official Sea level measurement for Spain

Inside city hall itself there are numerous paintings, ornate furniture and unique rooms. The “Salón Azul” which was styled from the period of Spain’s Queen Isabel is very impressive. The room has numerous paintings of elected officials and has a large glass table for meetings. There are over sixty paintings of elected officials in the room and there is only one female.

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Meeting table in Salon azul
Chandelier in salon azul
Doorway leading out of salon azul


The “Salón de Plenos” meeting hall was also very impressive. I believe this is equivalent to our council chambers in Canada.


Throughout the building there are various art works that highlight the history and culture of Alicante. Below are just a few of the spectacular artworks in the building.

Artwork in Alicante city hall

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On the modern side of  the city hall building are the remains of archaeological ruins of past centuries. There was archaeological ruins that were unearthed when construction was underway for the addition. The elected officials of the day thought they would preserve the historic significance and build around a section of the archaeological remains. Today they are visible and on displayed at the ground floor of City hall.

The display is entitled  “Alicante, la ciudad descubierta” which means Alicante, the city unveiled.  We were able to go down into the display area and view and touch some of the unique archaeological ruins. 

Shelley standing in between 16th century walls
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13th century defensive wall of Alicante
The conservation of the 13th and 16th century walls with the integration into the new administration addition of city hall.
Alicante ruins incorporated into the footings of the new administration building.
looking down o n ruins
View of the security at entrance to city hall with an open view of the archaeological ruins.

The visit to the preserved archaeological remains was extremely interesting and somewhat moving for us.  Having a “walk” along the 16th century street and touching medieval Christian walls and reading about the vibrant and diverse history of Alicante was very enjoyable and rewarding.

“Adios y que tenga un grand dias”