Less than 3 weeks before we move to Pembroke

It is less than 3 weeks before we move from our Kingston residence back to our home town of Pembroke before heading to Spain.  Our friends in Kingston and area have been meeting with us and wanting to spend time before we head out. We find ourselves meeting with  our friends, enjoying our limited time together. This is both a happy and sad time for us. It is always  sad when you are saying good-bye and not sure how long before you may see them again.

The fermented Friday group of friends we have, took us out for a going away dinner at the Sakura Japanese Restaurant. It was very heartfelt with lots of laughs. We had lots of fun. We have been deeply moved by the show of support and caring by everyone. The offer of use of their vehicles, help with furniture and overall willingness to help us with anything has been very humbling.

Sakura Japanese Restaurant




Six weeks to go….

Six weeks to go….
Six weeks to go….

Time is flying by and we are feeling the crunch of getting ready for the biggest adventure of our retirement.  There is only 6 weeks left before we fly to Spain and our preparations are well under way. As you know, our plan is to sell off our  furniture, car etc before we leave.  We have tried kijiji for the first time last week. It has been surprisingly easy to use and more effective than we anticipated. We have posted ads on kijiji  and within a few days the items have been sold. The challenge has been timing the sale of key pieces of furniture and our vehicle. We did not want to sell our items of convenience, such as washer, dryer and car too early, but we did not want to leave it too late either. Timing in this case is everything. So we decided that listing the car after the first week of November would probably provide us with the best timing. Well we were slightly wrong on the timing, we have now sold our car. The new owners take possession of our car Friday which means we will be without a vehicle on Saturday.  The selling of the car was a bit harder (emotionally) than we anticipated. Not having the convenience of a car makes planning for groceries and travel more challenging. We have lost the convenience of owning a car, something that we took somewhat for granted. Our washer and dryer has also been sold. We are now without the convenience of  a laundry facility within our apartment. There is a laundry facility in the apartment building, so that makes it relatively easy to do laundry until we leave Kingston.

It is somewhat disheartening to sell all our belongings when we still have not received confirmation that we have a visa.  We continue to wait patiently for word from the Spanish consulate as to the status of our Visa application. We don’t anticipate any problems, however it would be nice to know that the Visa is in place prior to selling all of our stuff.

We have a “Plan B” in case we are not granted a long-term visa for Spain. We are looking at a year of travel, with stops in several countries and areas we have always wanted to see. On the list are Australia, New Zealand and South America to name a few.

Moving Forward Update

We continue to move forward with our plans, although we have not heard from the Spain Consulate regarding our visa application yet. There is only two months left before we leave and it is getting busy for us.  We have started selling our furniture and have sold numerous items so far. The apartment is starting to look a little bare. The artwork and decorative items on the walls have been removed and given away to family or sold. We have sold our dinning room set and  we are now eating at the coffee table in the den. The computer desk has been sold and now the filling cabinet is our new computer desk.   Adaptation and a positive attitude are important as we move forward.

Our new dinning room table
Our new dinning Table

We have given our notice and plan on leaving Kingston in Mid December to move back home with our parents for a few weeks before we leave for Spain. We have secured a mover for the few belonging we will be keeping in Pembroke. We have also started the task of closing off our accounts related to the apartment. We have notified, gas, electrical, internet and TV companies that we are leaving and closing the accounts.


The challenge now is selling the car. We would ideally like to keep  the car until we leave, but that is simply not feasible. We are trying to sell our car now and if it sells quickly we will be renting a vehicle when we need a car in the interim.

We are updating  our wills and preparing for the final pieces to be in place before the move to Spain. There are lots more things to do, we need to finalize our taxes with CRA, change our mailing address, obtain international drivers licences etc. and of course we are still awaiting our Visas.


Moving Forward

Well today marks the start of the next phase to our adventure. We have given our notice and will be officially leaving our residence by the end of December 2015. We have not heard from the Spanish consulate yet and ideally we would have preferred to wait until the visa was confirmed prior to giving our notice. However timing is everything and in order to give sufficient notice to the landlord we needed to give our notice now, so  we decided to take the chance. I guess time will tell as to how this will turn out.

We have begun the task of sorting what items we are selling and what items we will give to family, friends or donate. We separated our stuff into three categories, Sentimental, Functional and decorative/other stuff. This is not as hard as you may think. Once we started to let go of our attachment to our possessions the better we actually felt. It is somewhat enlightening and freeing to rid ourselves of all the “stuff” it is amazing just how much “stuff” we accumulate over time. We have begun to pack and sell our belongings,  this will help us move to the next stage of the adventure.


Our temporary spot in Spain

The logistics of finding a permanent residence will be key to ensure we are located in a good area. We want to be located in an area that has easy access to transit, grocery stores, entertainment etc. We won’t have a vehicle and would like to cycle as a means of transportation where possible. We want to be in a good neighbourhood and be located in an area that is not focused on tourist. In order to find the perfect spot, we want to be on site and look at rentals first hand. We want to have a feel for the neighbourhood and walk around the area before renting long-term. In order to do that we have rented a two month rental to give us time to research and walk the neighbourhoods before renting long-term. The short-term rental is located in a tourist area near the sea. It is a modest apartment with all the amenities needed to function. We are located close to a bus stop and not far from the city centre of Alicante. This is a tourist area and during the summer it is very busy. We are fortunate that we are arriving in Spain during the off season and we should be able to get a “feel” for the area without the influx of thousands of tourist. The challenge is to find a long term rental within the first two months of arriving in Spain. The adventure of retiring like this is to push the comfort zone and experience the unknown.

Below are a few photos of our apartment and the view.

beach at apartment
View from Beach outside of our apartment
Kitchen area of apartment, its small but will meet our needs short term.
living room
The living room area, small but functional.
patio view
our patio with a partial view of the beach. Ideal for coffee in the morning.

Life is too short to wait for adventure!